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Posts posted by barthautala

  1. Ok, please bear with me on this one. First, I can program a PLC but I am not a "programmer" by any means. Im going to set up a test bench using an ML1100. Its going to be set up in stages. The first stage will have the 1100 monitoring and recording temperature at set intervals throughout an hour long test. I want to log that data and then print that data once the test is complete. I'll have various conditions that will trigger certain lights on a stack light. This PLC will be hooked to a PC. The second stage will have the PLC doing some motion control and I'll have a panel view for the operator to set up test conditions for the test bench. anyways, Im in the first stage. Ive never data logged with a PLC before but I think I have the triggers figured out. Question is, how can I get that data to automatically print without an operator having to touch a PC mouse? Also, can the logger software log the data to a spreadsheet that already has some fields filled out? IN other words I want the logger to put the data on a spreadsheet that has some areas for an operator to fill out his name and serial number of unit being tested. Is this possible?

  2. The VFD is an ABB ACS550. It has a few pre-programmed macros in its system now. Looking through the manual I think Id like to use the macro "Alternate". Here is what I want to do. I want to set up a test bench to motor. I want to have the ability to control the motor either manually with a POT or automatically with a PLC program. Im thinking that the input AI1 on the VFD is what I want to hook to. Can anyone confirm this? Also, what would the ladder look like for this portion? I have an idea but again, Id like to confirm. I was thinking of hooking the POT to the analog input on the PLC and using 2 seperate outputs - one in a manual subroutine and one in an auto subroutine to discern which output should be sent to the VFD. Im a long time listener and first time caller to this website.