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Posts posted by wlong995

  1. I use the symbol table filter a lot to look up bits rather than looking through the program. It's a useful tool, but I don't like the fact that the filter is case sensitive. Is there an options setting anywhere to turn off the case sensitivity?

  2. I ended up doing what I was trying to avoid. I just created a new DB and used INV_DI to move the data into the new DB so it was inverted for use in triggering the messages. I was looking for an easier way without adding a DB, but it works.

  3. I am new to WinCC (and Siemens in general). I am setting up alarm messages for the HMI, and I cannot get them to display the way I would like. There are 56 possible failures over 5 different stations. If a part is rejected, I need to display what failed, and where. The DB is all set up with the proper messages, and I can get them to display on the HMI. But...here's the problem. The customer want's a fail to be "0" and a pass to be "1" so if we lose information somewhere for whatever reason, we assume a fail rather than a pass. In doing so, When I turn on a bit to give a pass, it turns on the alarm message saying it failed. I have searched for days, and I can't find a way to change the state that triggers the alarm messages. Is it possible to trigger an alarm when a bit is off?