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Guest bigal52

Alarm banner on Panelview 1000

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I am using a PLC-5/20 and a Panelview 1000 and need to send alarm messages to the Panelview. I have the alarm screen setup in the Panelview and an individual integer for each alarm message from the PLC. The problem is when I get multiple alarms at the same time the Panelview only registers one alarm because the scan time is to fast. Anyone have any ideas?

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Are you sure it's becuase the scan time is too fast? Are you using PanelView ME? I think there are some properties to play with in the banner object. There was option of diplaying the first unacknowledged alarm or the last to alarm arrive. If set to first unack, it will only show one in the banner until you acknowledge it. Try making whole page with big list of alarms and see if the ones you think it missed are in there. Edited by b2barker

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this is not an answer, just some of my experience. u said u were using bits from an Alarm word. I did the same, BUT!!! when u ack the alarm, the PV sends back to the PLC a Decimal Value of that Bit. The problem I had was ACK the 0 (zero) bit. When the PV sent the Dec 0(zero) back and the DCD instruction should have decoded it and SET the 0(zero) Bit it did NOT !!!! the Decoded Word was completely all Zero's Also: Bit 15 had a problem also I think. Either the PV or the PLC wanted to handle it as the SIGN identifier, I did not need all sixteen bits at the time and simply used other bits to workaround but I was not happy.

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