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CMND (490) and FINS commands

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Hi, I need information about instruction CMND, exactly about S: Firs command word. I know that there are entered FINS command. So, I found manual about FINS Command (W227_E1_02_FINS_Commands_Reference_Manual) but this manual is too old. I found also manual: W342-E1-14+CJ-CS_ComCommand+RefMamual but there aren't all FINS command, because I found in another manual other command FINS. So, I have questions: Is there any manual that desribes all the command? What are the most used commands in this instruction and what you already have used? I want to make a panel for this instructions. I would be grateful for helpin me. Tom

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W342 contains most of the documented FINS commands, but not all. Some specific commands are documented in the manuals relevant to the products, such as 2810 (EtherNet/IP Explicit Message). See here for a tool to help test FINS commands and CMND. The most commonly used commands are 0101, 0102 for reading and writing data. Other commands are application specific.
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Thanks for reply. Tool can be useful for me. I want to make a panel in cx-designer for this instruction. I see that this panel will have a lot of screens, beaceasu this instruction have many different commands.

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Hi, I would like to ask exactly when FINS command is sent and when explicit messages, using CMND instruction? What conditions must be? Is there any manual decribing exact the FINS protocol? Also I want to ask it is possible to make a program for example in C++, which will communicate between the PC and the PLC using FINS protocol? So this program could work as CMND instruction. I would be grateful for help and information.

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FINS Commands are used for many purposes. Generated from a PLC CPU. 1. To send commands to other Omron devices such as PLCs, PCs running Sysmac Gateway, and NS HMIs. 2. To send commands to the PLC CPU itself for things like changing modes of operation, writing to a CF card, etc. 3. To send Explicit Messages via DeviceNet or EtherNet/IP. Generated from other devices such as HMIs and PCs. 1. To read / write data to and from a PLC. 2. To transfer programs to and from a PLC. 3. To change modes, read the model of a PLC, etc. The CMND instruction is the main way to send messages from the PLC to the CPU or another device on a network. The FINS protocol is fully documented in Omron manual W342, located here. This has most of the FINS commands, but not all. Some commands that are specific to network types or specific devices (FINS Command 2810 for EtherNet/IP Explicit messaging for example) are found in the manuals for those networks or devices. It is possible to send FINS commands from any PC based language, but you will find more support in this forum for Visual Basic than for C++.
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