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About Ethann

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  • Country Australia
  1. Hi,  I'm currently working on a migration project that migrates functionality of a pump station from Premium PLC to Quantum PLC. Both PLCs are installed onsite and cover for different areas of the site. I have an Advantys IO island located at pump station as an interface for input/output from pump station. The IO island communicates with Premium PLC that allows Premium to control pump station. Now I want to use Quantum to takes over the control of pump station and later decommission the control of the pump station in Premium.  As operation requirement, I only have two hour down time interval for testing new control in Quantum PLC everyday, so that I still need to keep the control in Premium as the back up after finishing the testing interval in Quantum. That means in terms of configuration, I need to config IO scanning to read/write information of IO advantys island from both Premium &Quantum at the same time because  I don't want to re-download PLC code everytime changing config of IO scanning for testing interval. I have checked with Schneider support, they said that it is impossible to config like that since the Advantys IO island only responds to one PLC as the Master  that might cause the error for the other PLC when scanning. I would like to know whether any setup way to do that. Thank you.