Big E

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Everything posted by Big E

  1. Hello, Can anyone tell me where to find where i have to go to enable the cross referencing under the instructions in ladder logic as seen in the picture below ( picture from rslogix 500 program ) I am working with versions 13 and 15 at the time. I find it hard to beleive that Rockwell would not carry this feature over to the 5000 series programming software. It saves a quite a bit of time as opposed to clicking the instruction, then pressing CTRL+E, and then going to the appropriate instruction. In rs logix 500 it is under Tools - Options -XRef / Address Wizard Tab -select Enable Cross Reference Online and Enable Cross Reference Offline
  2. I would say that the most useful thing about those cross references is that just by looking at the reference under a conditional instruction ( xic, xio, neq, etc ), you can see if there is a destructive instruction for that address or tag ( ote, otl, otu, etc). Its a very quick and effective way of making sure you didint forget anything... and cross referencing each tag using CTRL+E woud be very time consuming for the size project I do...