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RSView studio

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Probably a simple question but here goes, I have just altered a file in RSView studio and created a .mer file with a different file name to the original, this is also now different to the .apa file name. Will I be able to use this new .mer file with the differently named .apa file or have I got to re-create the .apa file every time I change the .mer file? Or are they both seperate and it doesn't matter? Cheers, Lee.

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The APA is a backup of the project while the MER is the runtime version of this project. Once you make changes to the project, this project is now different from the original backup (APA) that you created. So you need to create another APA for this project if you want to back up the new changes you've made. Hope that helps.

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You can create backups for your changes using .mer or .apa format. But it's a good practise to backup and save all changes in .apa as this allows other user(s) to view your changes and to do edit.

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Concentrate on .apa backup file. This is the only true backup of your application with the latest changes. From this file you can always generate a runtime file anywhere / anytime you or anyone else wishes to do so. Always create backup through Application Manager. This will be a backup in .apa format. Keep this file safe. Is the most important file in your application.

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way to convert mer to apa file There is a way to unarchive MER file... To un-archive the MER file follow these easy steps: 1. Upload MER file from PanelView. 2. Double click on the project with the MER extension. RS View ME Station will start. 3. As long as RS View ME Station is running (even if an error is shown) it un-archives the project to: C:\Documents and Settings\<login username>\Local Settings\Temp\~MER.00 Replace <login username> with your login details. Note that “\Local Settings” is a hidden directory. The un-archived files are deleted when ME Station is no longer running

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Does that mean that you can convert these unarchived files into a .apa file backup? Do you have to copy these files to another folder? Do you have to do this while the MEStation is running? Do you use the Application Manager in RSViewMEStudio to backup the files to .apa archive? BTW does anyone have trouble logging onto the servers from time to time?

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yes you have do it during rsview me is running

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C:\Documents and Settings\<login username>\Local Settings\Temp\~MER.00 Replace <login username> with your login details.

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see this attachment for more details

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I heard during RSTechEd that Runtime Application Conversion (MER to MED) will be available in CPR 9 (ME 5.0). It allows runtime files to be converted back to the development.

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