
Cx-OPC server

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Hi Friends, I use the omron´s OPC server in an aplication where there are 14PLCs and 30 or 40 items in each plc. I think that the server is not fast enough, in the syncronization program (see clock syncronization) i read the the clock from the plc but the refresh time is arbitrary, i can not see how the clock changes second by second. What do you think about the OMRON´s OPC-server?

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What comms is your OPC server using ? Of course the update time is dependant on this. I don't know about Omrons OPC server (I use Kepware), but my experience is that it is recommended to create enough groups in your client (I use CXS) with not to much items instead of a few groups with a lot of items. I don't have exact numbers but I try to limit the number of items in one group to about 30. There also are several update rate settings. For each item in your client you can set an individual update rate, for each group there is an update rate, and of course there is an update rate in the OPC server. I don't know which of the ones determines the actuall update rate, so I try to keep them the same. Hope this helps.

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hi Jpl, thanks for your reply, i use ethernet communication, there are 14 groups with 71 items, i can not set (or i don't find how to do it) update rate settings. i will try erasing not used items thanks p.s: i send a figure of the project editor

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Hi alberto05, you set update rate in the CX-Server OPC dialog box not in *.cdm file editor. In CX-Server OPC you define path to *.cdm file, which is pre-defined, or you can create new one, and then you define groups of points which will be available for OPC clients. for every group you can define update rate. the pic you gave is *.cdm file editor not CX-Server OPC dialog. I'm not in a firm so I can't give you step-by-step procedure, sorry. hope this is enough. If not, wait till monday. regards. Edited by tashinz

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Hi tashinz, sorry but i do not understand, i send a new capture, this is all that i can do with the opc server, if i click on new, the editor appears like in the capture, where is the editor you are speaking about? thanks for your help regards. Edited by alberto05

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Hi alberto05 all you can do in Omron's CX-Server OPC is to define *.cdm file which is CX-Server file with defined points. you can create *.cdm file in CX-Supervisor, CX-Programmer or in Omron Project Editor (this starts when you double click *.cdm file). this is the procedure: 1. you start CX-Server OPC, right click icon in tray, choose Select CX-Server Project, then you select *.cdm file. this is what you did already. in Edit Project you can add or remove points, change addresses. you can not set any update rate. click ok. 2. you start any OPC client. I started CX-Supervisor, which is Omron SCADA. Create a point here, e.g. point Test, in I/O attributes choose OPC/Other, then a dialog box appers. On server combo box click add the choose Omron CX-OPC Communication Control, a dialog box appears where you select a OPC Server (for Omron it is OMRON.OpenDataServer.1), create a project file (click new). in this project file will be saved the groups with update rate you set. this is picture on the left. 3. on the same dialog box (Omron CX OPC Communications Control Properties) click OPC Groups/Items, right click left pane choose Add group. here you can define update rate for all items in that group. then right click left pane choose add item, and the you can choose one or more points, already defined in *.cdm file, to add to the group. 4. then choose one item from that group that will be the source for our Test point from the begining. in order to connect to Omron CX-Server OPC from CX-Supervisor you need to install Omron CX-Server OPC on client machine with CX-Supervisor. only then you will see the OMRONCXOPCCommunicationControl. the procedure should be the same for any OPC client software. hope this helps. regards. Edited by tashinz

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Hi tashinz, You really help me, i use lab view´s server explorer, i will tray to configure the OPC server with this. thank you for your time,

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