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Chris Elston

Analog Input Addressing

3 posts in this topic

Ok so this is my first Automation Direct PLC, it's been quite fun learning about the DL205 family and how to use the "accumulator", quite different thinking required. I am using a DL240…(dang it, I latter learned that I should have gotten a DL250 so I could do “Bit for Word” addressing…which would have been NICE…) I've gotten the hang of most of the addressing etc. I can't find anything in the manuals about how the analog card is addressed. I am using a F2-08AD-2 8 input volts 0-10 analog card. I've seen other people’s example code on using an analog card, and it looks like they load "LD a V2000" register to get the analog value from the card. Where is this information found that says, if you want to access channel 1 in your analog card that it's stored into V2000? My analog card is in slot 7. Does that matter? I thought I should address the channels: X60 = channel 1 X61 = channel 2 Etc…. X67 = channel 8 Maybe that doesn’t matter either…? Do all analog cards take up the V2000 registers double word? Like channel 1 = V2000 double word channel 2 = V2002 double word channel 3 = V2004 double word I don't understand the relationship of how the analog card that resides in a slot in the rack is mapped over to the V2000 registers. Do I need to map this somewhere in a setup? Or is it like that and there is some chart I am not seeing that tells me that analog signals can be found in the V registers. I have learned that some special V registers can be accessed by looking at other people’s code, like input cards I think have special registers like V4040 or something like that. Any help on how analog addresses are mapped to registers or where I would find a chart on these special access registers would be appreciated. BTW, I'll post my code when done.

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I found my answer. It seems the analog card have a nice manual at automation direct website. Attached it the manual to my card. I think I get it now. It seems there are dedicated address locations depended on slot location that then can be mapped to a user regisister such as a V2000. *sigh*... ch5.pdf

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dang, I was too late! You answered your own question. I was just programming in Chapter 5 the other Day. Anyway, Glad you figured it out. And, Happy Birthday!!!!

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