NX PLC Sysmac Studio Flaoting point Conversion Format Issue

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I am using a Omron NX102-9000 PLC programming through Sysmac studio software, I have a Data received in 2 words Hex 4453 7FE0. i need to convert this to Float format and result supposed to be 845.998 but when i combine and convert it to real it give result 1146322944.Need help to get correct format data.


// Shift High_Word to the upper 16 bits and combine with Low_Word
Combined_Value := (SHL(TO_DWORD(Pos_XWord), 16)) OR TO_DWORD(Pos_XWord2);

// Convert the combined DWORD to a REAL (float)
Float_Value1:= DWORD_TO_REAL(Combined_Value);

Screenshot 2024-11-21 170333.png

Screenshot 2024-11-21 170333.png

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See if this example helps.


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When you need to do a bitwise conversion the normal conversion instructions won't work. They try to look at the value of the source variable and convert it into the target variable instead of just moving it bit for bit. The CopyxxxxToxxxxx instructions are what you want:


Edited by photovoltaic
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Thank you all for reply. Tomorrow I will introduce this instructions and check. 

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Hi My Problem solved. Now i can real time position values without any error in real time.

Thank you verymuch



Screenshot 2.png

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On 22/11/2024 at 0:56 PM, SSK said:

Hi My Problem solved. Now i can real time position values without any error in real time.

Thank you verymuch



Screenshot 2.png

@SSK I know that you have a working solution, another option Instead of receiving the robot data into a byte array, would be creating a data structure of length of the byte array, then creating a variable of said type. This variable then would have all your data in correct format that align the bytes into the output data types. This would eliminate the need for any conversions within the program.

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