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How to use exponential in gx works 2

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I have to make a ladder diagram in GX works 2. I have to use a logic which is calculate the the power of a number.

Example: 2^0 = 1; 2^4 = 16............. and so on.

Which insutruction can I use ? and how ?

Can someone give me an example ?

I have found EXP and POW instruction, but they are not really works for me. Its important the base can be always 2 I would like to change only the numbers.

Thanks ahead.

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Both POW and EXP can work for that, and also the simple bit logic always works.

If base is  2, exponent is always number with only one bit High.

2^0 = DEC 1 = BIN 0001

2^1 = DEC 2 = BIN 0010

2^2 = DEC  4= BIN 0100

2^3 = DEC 8 = BIN 1000


And so on...

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The POW instruction is used for calculating S1^S2 and storing the result in D.  If your PLC supports this instruction, it will work.  (see image)

The EXP instruction has a fixed base and is used for calculating e^S and storing the result in D.  This instruction will not help you here. (see image)


10-30-24 temp2.PNG

10-30-24 temp1.PNG

Edited by Integrator_99
Duplicate image

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