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Modicom Momentum 170 ADI-ADO 350 00/340 00

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Good morning/afternoon/night depending on your time zone at the moment of reading this. I´ve recently stumble upon an old aseptic line which the Siemens PLC died and was no workaround to recover the instructions set from the eeprom card so I was gived the task of programming an old compatible Schneider Modicom ADI/ADO 170 340/350  with the following config:

1-Digital Input ADI 350 00

2-Input ADI 350 00

3-Output ADO 340 00

4-Output ADO 340 00

5-Analogic AAI 140 00

I mentioned this is been on an old aseptic line, something from 1997, and I´m having a hard time working with 16 valves  during washing, sterilization and production instructions sets since I have been left alone. The line is from Ing A. Rossi(Italy). So I come to this forum asking if someone got at least a fraction of the original code somewhere so I can start from there. I´m using W2s XP since this Schneider PLC can only be programmed with Concept 2.6. Thanks in advance and have a nive day.

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