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Saxony Thermal

Where is Integral gain for PID in ladder?

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I was setting up a PID and couldn't find the I-Gain term. I attached the page from the documentation about setting up the PID.

Reading the rest of the section (Chapter 10 of MELSEC IQ-F FX5 User's Manual (Application)), doesn't reveal how to use an integral gain either. It skips over it; showing K and D gains and times but only showing I time.

Is integral gain something derived or implied by other configurations?



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Posted (edited)

For example, if I wanted to put in PID terms like, 30, 0.05 and 0.12 respectively, (random example)

The P and D terms have a way in via S3 + 3 and S3 + 5, but there's no integral gain.

Also, D term has a time value too S3 + 6 is differential time.
And, I term S3 + 4 integral time,
I doubt I put my 0.05 for my I term into integral time. Because the D gain is scaled 0-100% and it makes sense to enter 0.12 for my D gain as 12 (out of 100), not a decimal for D time which is impossible.

But I can't just put 0.05 into integral time, that doesn't make sense nor is it possible; I can't just put a decimal in the binary register who is also asking for time, not a scale factor... these are unrelated.


Edited by Saxony Thermal

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