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Sleepy Wombat

GuardLogix CIP Safety and SEW Drives

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Project consists of a GuardLogix 1756l82ES 5800 with additional EN2TR card, Stratix 5400 16 Port Sw a couple of other ethernet switches, 2 small 1743AENT points, 2 Panel View screens and 100 x SEW Movi-C drives with CIP Safety options on EIP.

Drives configured without safety, can all get online relatively quickly, however when enabling the CIP safety drives and configuring the GL PLC Drive params to now be Safety IO, when enabling on the network, can take for ages for the drives to get on and register correctly on the Network. As an example for around 30 drives with CIP enabled on the drives and Configured in the PLC, it can take at least 10min to get the drives on the network again on power up or isolation. 

Drives ate setup thru Parametrization CIP.

If I monitor the drive from the SEW Movisuite software you can monitor the connection of the PROCESS IO and also the CIPSAFETY connections, You can see it attempt to connect, then drop off. In other cases the CIP Safety could connect but the PROCESS fails, then the CIP will also fail. This try and try again can last for minutes. 

Once it is connected all good , but boot up time is absolute crap to say the least.

I am basically looking for insight into what to look for to help speed up the connections of the drives onto the PLC/Safety network.


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Consider using GSV/SSV on the I/O device tree nodes for these drives to enable their I/O connections in batches.  Monitor module statuses for success of each batch before enabling the next batch.

The "Forward Open" connection requests that have to be used to establish comms must use unconnected messaging, and that is a bottleneck in comms modules in the quantities you describe.

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As an update, the GSV/SSV instruction implementation has not solved the issue as yet, looks like pointing to the SEW drive CIP safety setup but need to do more tests to confirm.

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