
Multiple TCP slave connections at RJ71EN71

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We are receiving an error "*Error** PLC of all MODBUS/TCP connection modules Port No. is mismatched. When using multiple MODBUS/TCP connection modules, PLC of all MODBUS/TCP connection modules Port No. must be matched.   MODBUS/TCP Connection Module  NV_E02435" while trying to add two slave connections with different port numbers.....Please clarify on this error...

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Can you post some screen captures of your settings ?

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Please find the attachd image of error

Screenshot 2023-09-18 202726.png

Edited by Ramkumar

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This is a connection fot he RJ71EN71 to be a modbus Slave.

you only need one. But is you would like a second connection then the port nr should be different


But You want to comm with two modbus slaves. You do this in the simple PLC comm settings in GX Works 3.
You can find this in the params of the RJ71EN71. Here you can directly acces the Holding Reg etc and copy those to D or vice versa



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