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I have 2 network. First network its Delta AS2 series PLC with HMI Delta. Second network ( profibus )  its siemens 315-2DP PLC with TP 177. I want send 1 word from Delta PLC to Siemens PLC ( profibus ) without modify siemens 
 configuration becausesed i dont have siemens hardware  project configuration .

Pls. help me !

For profinet allways used script in Delta HMI for communicate to Siemens PLC .


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What is this Delta AS2 PLC? Never heard of it. Do you mean AS200?
Perhaps the first network is Modbus?! If so then both networks communicate in different languages. The modbus master is the Delta HMI. Moreover there is no way for the modbus slave (the Delta PLC) to send data to the Siemens PLC through the same modbus network because as slave it should only respond to the Delta HMI master. So you have to use another COM port of the Delta PLC for the communication with the Siemens (i.e. to create another network). Furthermore you should use some kind of a gateway to translate data to the Profibus. I don’t work with Siemens and I’m not familiar with Profibus, but I think that there are a lot of obstacles. You should do hardware changes anyway.

There is something else. First you are talking about Profibus, then about Profinet. As long as I know Profinet is Ethernet-based and Profibus is serial communication. Furthermore I’ve never heard about Delta HMI with a Profinet interface.


Edited by IvanBratanov

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