Wan Afifi

How to convert ascii to real number or bcd

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Now I working on omron CP1H PLC, i'm receiving ASCII number from another PLC which is something like this  "#3031 #3030 #3030 #3030" which mean 01000000. How to convert the ascii number to real number or bcd without separate them? I know how to convert them which is using HEX but its turn out the number will separate into this 0100  and 0000.

Edited by Wan Afifi

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@Wan Afifi Assume that your result in D100 (0100) and D101 (0000) maybe you multiply D100 by 10000 then sum with D101 to be

(100 * 10000) + 0000 = 1000000

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Thank You, very much Mr@Wasan , thank you for enlighten me.. now I get the idea of it. Now I'm able to create 01000000 without separate it.

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