
AOP installation broke module RSL5000

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My coworker and I are commissioning a new panel. We have a 1732-AENTR series C remote IO thats Rev 6.1. The project file from a previous identical panel has the module at rev5.3 in the project tree. I downloaded the AOP and ran the installer, it worked no issues. My co worker then did the same thing but now the module is unrecognized in the project tree and the module is missing after installing the AOP. Im concerned he corrupted something. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the AOP but no luck. It works on my computer but not his? TechConnect said something about corrupting the aop core. My coworker did the first install and he was getting confused about zip files and the virtual machine we run rsl5k on. Maybe he broke it? any suggestions?

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It's a VM. I would start over. The nice thing about VMs is you can make a backup or snapshot before making a change. I guess it's too late for that now.

15 hours ago, JustinSmith said:

TechConnect said something about corrupting the aop core.

Did they offer a fix for the corrupt core?

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Can your coworker create the module offline? Just at a different version?

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1 hour ago, JustinSmith said:

TechConnect fixed the corruption issue 

Mind telling us how?

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