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Communication Link Betwwen 2 Plcs

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I try to set up the communication between 2 KV-24DT Plcs with I hook up my cable from port B of Plc 1 to port A of Plc 2.The problem is I don't know how to write the code for it in each Plc program.Do you have any code sample I can copy? Thank,

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To enable communication between 2 Keyence PLC's via the RS232 ports there are certain procedures you need to follow. Firstly you need to set the two PLCs to be able to transmit and recieve data via the RS232 ports, by setting up a break signal on power up so that the relevant data memories and relays are ready. The KV's also have 2 sets of relays and data memories especially assigned for the recieving and transmitting of data on each port independently of each other. Hence you would need to program and assign the relevant data memories and relays for the sending and reciveing of data from Port A of one PLC to Port B of the other and vice versa. Also please note that programs can't be transferred between PLC's only hexadcimal data can be sent via the RS232 ports. If you go to you can also download the manuals along with sample programmes which show how to setup serial communications in the Ladder Logic of the KV James Gardner BSc Applications Engineer Keyence (UK) Ltd, Avebury House, 219-225 Avebury Boulevard Milton Keynes MK9 1AU Tel - 0044-1908 696900 Fax - 0044-1908 696777 e-mail - web-site -

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