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884 to 984 Upgrade

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I have a customer looking to convert an old 884 PLC to a 984. I've never done this, and I believe that the conversion had some points of concern. Has anyone here ever done an 884 to 984 conversion, and if so, what was involved? What do I need to get a program out of the 884? What's involved with the conversion? I know there was a drum controller and some form of latching relays that don't directly convert, but I need some pointers on this process.

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If you are in canada i would try and talk to any of the plc gurus at Nedco Quebec. Rafi or Luc in particular.

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Kind of odd that you would respond to my old post about Modicon PLCs looking for a manual for the Telemecanique PLCs. But I should be able to put some PDFs up, there's not much in PDF on the really old PLCs. What PLC are you looking for help on?

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