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Crimson 3.0 and Windows

3 posts in this topic

Hello all,

I am using a g10 graphite series HMI from Red Lion. I am trying to figure out a way to have the device use the operators windows logon by calling up the windows security services. Basically a user would have to log on to the HMI with his windows credentials to be able to do anything. I vaguely remember being able to set this up in FT, but FT seems to have a lot more features than the crimson software. Thoughts? Ideas? thanks guys.

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You would have to create the security settings within Crimson 'Security'. There is no facility to authenticate users from another device. You can however,  create a security database from within crimson and write/read with an SD card.  This can be useful if you allow users to change their passwords.  

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The panelviews were windows devices and the g10 is not.

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