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Hi! I'm cirrently developing a project using a S120 with CU320 controlling a 2 axis system. I have some question on how exactly the silple positioning works. I use SINA_POSE FB with telegram 111. My questions:

1. Where exactly this FB must be placed. Since cyclic communication It must be placed only on OB1.

2. To start a MDI command a position, velocity, acceleration and deceleration are sent to the drive. Than the execute command start the job. The execute command can follow the position and other parameters or it need to wait some cofermation bit coming from the drive that it has received the parameters correctly? Do you wait for some time?

3. Wich is the best practice to evaluate that the position requested is effectively reached. The FB has a InPosition BIT that goes off during travel and back on at the and... is this BIT the only one thing to watch?

4. How much time the drive needs to wait before acceping another MDI?


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