2 posts in this topic

Hi Everyone!

Where are my experts?

I am undertaking a project at work. The project contains analog style motor positioning circuits (operational amplifiers, integrators, and other PI elements). Not that this is relevant to the post yet ;) .It's my first PLC project ever!

I am using the Schneider M258 with SoMachine 4.1

The PLC is talking to SoMachine via Ethernet (obviously I have a router between the PLC and my pc).I can Login and run the first POU I created. It's a simple And logic circuit for now.

I have a co worker (c programmer) agreeing to help me pass data from my PLC to a browser screen. Although he's not familiar with PLC he's quite skilled writing code. He has wrote a Modbus protocol which allows him to interpret Modbus commands on his desktop.


1) Do I Need any special hardware to pass the data out of the PLC into the Router then into his browser.

2) As a trial can I send him MODBUS commands regarding my AND circuit?

3) How do I create such a command?

4) Is it possible for him to send me Modbus commands to change variables inside my program?

5) Are there web browser "plug-ins" for this idea?

Thanks for reading and hopefully all of you can help me answer some of these questions.





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Before we start reinventing the wheel. 

The plc has built in webserver where you can create webpages displaying varbiables and controlling the program. Its called vizualisation. Simply build the webpages inside somachine and then login in on a web browser to view these pages.

There are a lot of examples on youtube.....not so much for somachine (but there are), but more so for codesys (which is the platform somachine is built on)


Above is a link for one such video.

This could save you a lot of time and effort


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