
Solved. CC Link I/O; Help deciphering TO/FROM instructions.

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I have never set up a CCLink network before, but seemed pretty easy using the Network Parameters.  However once connected, we were not able to read/write the bits as expected.  The Japanese associate from the machine builder wrote the following 3 lines of code and cleared out the settings from Network Parameters.  

Three quesitons about this:

Could someone explain why my settings were wrong?  How did he know the H110 | H190 | H240 addresses? and what does K4X1000 Mean? 


--- [FROM H0B H110 K4X1000 K16]

---[TO H0B H190 K4Y1000 K16]

---[TO H0B H240 D2000 K16]

CCLink Settings.PNG

CCLink Code.PNG

Edited by WattUp

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Welcome to the forum,

First off I'm not sure whick processor or special module you are using, but generally the TO & FROM instructions read and write to buffer memory stores in special modules. The 'H' Designates a Hex value not an address so the instruction would be reading and writing to special module in position H0B (decimal 11), addresses H110 (decimal 272), H190 (decimal 400) & H240 (decimal 576).

The K4 x1000  K16 - part of the instruction copys 16 (K16) of the buffer memory stores status into inputs X1000 to X1015, the K4 in K4X1000 designates 4 nybbles (4 bit groups) which is 16 bits.

Likewise the K4Y1000 does the same with the outputs, writes 16 buffer memory stores starting at H190 to Y1000 to Y1015

The same with the D2000

I  hope this helps


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Do you see anything wrong with my setup that would explain it not working the same? 

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According to your logic. The reference buffer memory addresses is for station 25 not 11 (H0B). So you are loading empty registers. According to the manual for (assuming you are using a Q series CC Link Module) The station 11 remote inputs are located in BM address F4H, remote outputs are 174H and remote registers RWw are 308H.

Oops. Highlighted the wrong station for remote outputs. But you get the idea.


Edited by Akahige
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BOOM! That chart is killer! Thank you so much. The card is set up as station 25, that must have been what was wrong with my network settings before. 


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