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Newbie fatek second pulse detection

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Hi I need to program my fatek fab Plc with the following : . I need to detect between a single long input or a repeated second pulse. The idea is to control a window blind with two outputs of the Plc and two inputs (one for up, from a up switch and another for down from the down switch). the blind should go up until I maintain the key pressed. But when I make a repeated two pulse on the key it should go up automatically during a certainly define time (enough to completely open the blind). The same for the down direction. I need help on that.

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Not ever using this PLC, I'll give some general pointers. When the button is pressed, start a 1 second timer. This timer continues to time until it runs out (Use a one-shot and latch the timer on). While the timer is timing, if the button is pressed again (use a oneshot for this as well, or the PLC will always turn on the latching bit), latch the motor on until it runs all the way to the end. Make sure you have limit switches at both extremities of your blinds to stop the motor, or you could wear the motor out.

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