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Recipes using NB HMI + CP1

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Hi everybody, I ve been looking for information surfing on the omron website and other related sites, and after two days trying to get some samples or information about recipes or data allocation management a bit more beyond the short paragraphs of the product manual operation I have nothing. I'm improving an application for a portable industrial equipment that requires store data and transfer it to a PC for reports generation. NB-Designer software comes with an application called Recipe Editor which seems to be a good resource for working with recipes, but there is no information at all. Whats more it doesn't appear on google!! Please if someone knows where can I find information please let me know. Regards, Edited by asilva2094
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I personally like to write my own recipe routines (much more flexibility). I have a block of current recipe addresses and use indirect addressing in the PLC to move a selected recipe into the current recipe using the XFER command. I then have another XFER command with indirect addressing that sends the current recipe to a recipe number location in memory to do a "save" function. I might be able to provide a sample of such a program tomorrow.
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Hello Here's an example for how I would use NB recipes. In the NB, recipes are stored in area RW. The RWI area point to the SAME adressess, but has an index (contained in LW9000) added on. So if LW9000 = 10, then RWI100 would actually point to RW110. In the example, the recipe shape is a STRING of 8 characters (4 WORDs) and and INT (1 WORD), so the 'index' between records in 5 WORDs. You can see this behind the 'Record+' and 'Record-' buttons. I think that the functions to upload/download a recipe always start from RW0 (I'm not 100% sure of this!!) The recipe editor is just a tool to enter initial values.

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Thank you everybody. I also find valuable examples at I wish it were in English !!

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On 5/28/2013 at 8:57 PM, ParaffinPower said:

Hello Here's an example for how I would use NB recipes. In the NB, recipes are stored in area RW. The RWI area point to the SAME adressess, but has an index (contained in LW9000) added on. So if LW9000 = 10, then RWI100 would actually point to RW110. In the example, the recipe shape is a STRING of 8 characters (4 WORDs) and and INT (1 WORD), so the 'index' between records in 5 WORDs. You can see this behind the 'Record+' and 'Record-' buttons. I think that the functions to upload/download a recipe always start from RW0 (I'm not 100% sure of this!!) The recipe editor is just a tool to enter initial values. Pp


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Hi Admins,

Could you kindly restore or fix this page, the sample Pp is greyed out and cannot be opened.

I am currently working on a recipe project, and is looking for some guidelines.

Thank you very much.

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Dear Michael,

Thank you for fixing the link.


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