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popup page in citect

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hi dears i have made a popup page in citect v7.1 but in my project,pages are not fix and turn to another page every 15 second, when a popup page be open in a special page,in another page has became disappear,i want when a popup page opened in a page,it become fix such as a form until i close it,is this possible?

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How do you open the popup? If you use the cicode function WinNewAt you can open the popup either as a normal page (mode 0) or a child window (mode 2). In both cases the popup will stay open.

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thank you,but if it always is displayed on top of page,if i want to display it in middle of page how work should i do?

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You have to specify the position on the screen - hate pop ups - operators never shut them down.

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There is a facility in the pop up page dialogue that allows you to position the pop up wherever you want - do not have it handy now but I think it works in pixels - you also specify the size of the pop up as well the same way.

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There is a new function called AssPopUp that works nicely. It is supposed to set the new page as close as possible to the mouse while still being entirely visible on the monitor where the mouse is. I had to manually configure this in Citect 5. If you want to use my edited cicode... on the button for an up BGGAssPopUp("!sg_trend") then add to the cicode //new version for Citect7, now that determining the active window is easy. INT FUNCTION BGGAssPopUp(STRING sPage, STRING sTag1 = "", STRING sTag2 = "", STRING sTag3 = "", STRING sTag4 = "", STRING sTag5 = "", STRING sTag6 = "", STRING sTag7 = "", STRING sTag8 = "") INT x, y; REAL ScaleX, ScaleY; DspGetMouse(x, y); PageTransformCoords(WinNumber(), x, y, x, y, 0);//this is new ScaleX = StrToReal(PageInfo(16));//new setting "Dynamic window horizontal scale" for any sized parent window ScaleY = StrToReal(PageInfo(17));// as above, for vertical x = x / ScaleX; y = y / ScaleY; RETURN AssWin(sPage, x, y, 1 + 8 + 32 + 64 + 256 + 512, sTag1, sTag2, sTag3, sTag4, sTag5, sTag6, sTag7, sTag8); //in AssWin 64 ensures the popups are always on top, hopefully forcing the operators to close them eventually. //note when no variables are passed none are used. //Also, this based upon the AssPopUp function END I haven't actually tested when a popup opens a popup, but if the second popup is smaller then it should still work smoothly. Also dont bother with the sTag things unless you know how to work a SuperGenie (I dont).

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