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Guest SirPLC

Sending/Recieving mail with QJ71E71

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Is there anyone in this forum who has worked with the mailfunctions (MSEND and MRECV) to ethernetmodule QJ71E71? I dosen't work either sending/recieving mails with it! Can anyone help me? Best Regards SirPLC

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I've got the module and have been meaining to work on setting it up for send/recv emails. Haven't had time to get it working yet. If I get a chance this week, I'll post my project with it working... Did you get the module configured properly in the network parameters?

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For sending and receiving emails you need a mailserver program. If you are on a LAN network, and there is an existing mailserver you need to contact you're administrator. If there isn't any you can download a free mailserver from Merak, look on the internet for a copy of it. At mitsubishi germany is this one being used. Configure this mailserver and make some accounts on it. See the manuals for how to. Connect the ethernet module QJ71E71 to a PC with an internet connection. Make sure the module and the PC can communicate. PING from the PC side. Write in the PLC the example prgram for sending email, see the manual from the ethernet module. Configuration of email setting in the module: Mailaccount on the mailserver, with password, POP3 IP en SMTP IP = the IP adress of the ethernet card in the PC with witch the QJ71E71 communicates with. Send email settings : email adress of teh mailserver. At this point you should send and receive emails on a local area network. If you want to send and receive emails over the internet, configure the mailserver that it should forward a outgoing message to the adress you want to sedn the email to. I've tested it this morning and it works fine with me. succes

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I can send and recieve mails now but when I recieve text-information I get a lot of other information such as senders mailadress, name, date and so on and then at the end the text which is sent comes. E.g. <>Nike Mikeson 040721..."TEXT THAT IS SENT IN BIN-FILE" Have you others also this problem? What can I do to get only the textinformation in a string for an example? Best Regards sirPLC

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As far as i know there are no settings for this isue. By using the dedicated instructions ZP.MRECV all the information off the mail is read. Maby you can try to do a string search on char ("), (INSTR and STRLEN) to determine the start position of the text off the attachment and the length of the string and then do a string mov ($MOV). If you don't use this instruction you can read out the information out off the buffermemory through the program. Starting from BFM 16#2680. See the application manual off the module for detailed information page 2-20. Succes

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