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Z.MBRW instruction in structured ladder

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I'm converting one of my projects to GXWorks2 and it doesn't have the Z.MBRW instruction in structured ladder. the old IEC Developer was the same way and I wrote a two line melsec IL program to do it. The melsec instruction list isn't available in this new software so I'm starting to do a "GX developer style" (i.e. non structured) ladder program which includes the Z.MBRW instruction. Isn't there a way to call this instruction from structured ladder? I had hoped that they would support structured ladder better now that it is in the mainstream release, but it looks like they haven't. Any ideas? I know I can use the config software to set up auto modbus update but I'd rather not rewrite my code and deal with the polling delays. Thanks, Ken

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There are a variety of additional libraries available from Mitsubishi which can be installed into the software. Perhaps one has a similar function. I have never used those commands, I use the Intelligent Module Utility in GX Works2 for all intelligent modules, and GX Configurator in the old software.

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Thanks for the tip. Do the factory guys have these libraries, or can I get them on the web somewhere? Thanks, Ken

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They are available from most Mitsubishi websites, if you go to the one for your country (which I have no idea).

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I'm also in the USA. I just edited my profile to reflect that. I'll check out the website.

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It is correct that GX Works2 don't have the instruction in Structured Ladder. But instead of writing the whole project in "old" Ladder, why not simply make a FunctionBlock that is written in "old" ladder, and then call this FB in your main program (which can be Structured Ladder).....

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You CANNOT call standard ladder function blocks from structured ladder. Only structured ladder or structured text function blocks. Why not write 95% of your program in structured ladder and write one small standard ladder program? Mix and match the languages, that's part of the benefit of IEC programming.

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This is correct, I may have explained myself in a wrong way regarding the FB statement, of course I meant to write a separate program.... Sorry for the misunderstanding....

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I did write a 4 line program in the GX Developer style ladder but it requires a whole new program group for these 4 instructions. It should get the job done but it is a hack. As a personal aside I don't like the GX Developer style ladder (many here will disagree with that statement) and I chose to use IEC Developer in the USA even though we had to give up any rights to support. At least those days are over. You guys make it sound like "standard ladder" and "structured ladder" are mutually exclusive environments but they are both software abstractions (often a thin veneer) of the actual instruction list that the PLC runs on, so there is no reason why they can't do it other than they don't want to. I was hoping that now that they offer both "ladders" in one software package that they would bring these two capabilities together where they can. Anyhow, thanks for your help. Hopefully all new developments will be supported in all environments. If I were to do this project over from scratch I'd use the intelligent function software built into GXWorks which is a definite step in the right direction. Kudos to them for that. Ken

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I totally agree with you, I don't understand why all the functions are available in all languages (just like you had to write the IL program when using GX IEC....). Let's hope this gets fixed in the future

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