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SD_WRITE, SD_READ and SysLibFile on ABB AC500

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Hello everybody! It's the first time I use an SD memory on an ABB AC500-eco PLC. I need to store and retrieve some events in an installation and keep a user's data base (something like an access control). I may need to store around 10.000 users (each user needs 6 bytes) and any number of events. I had been trying to use SD_WRITE and SD_READ instructions, but it is really very frustrating whenever the CPU hangs ups (the RUN led stays forever flashing, which means access to SD), the SD loses the "USERDATxx.dat" file or the SD command returns a ERNO code like 4095 (there is no tag in the datasheet about this failure). I'm waiting for all DONE signals and I avoid to run more than one SD command at the same time (just looking at their ENABLE inputs). I would like to use SD in CODESYS as the standard C functions to open, write or read files. I have found SysLibFile library but there is not too much documentation. I hope that this would make me life easier. Can you help me? I need its manual (or specification) and an example. Thanks in advance!

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