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QD75MH1 error

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I am trying to position with Q00J processor and QD75MH1. I send the following to the motion module: TO H0 K2000 K256 TO H0 K1550 K1 K1 DTO HO K2006 2100000 move to 210deg SET Y10 I have set the units to degrees in GX Configurator When I try to execute the above I get error 108 and the servo does not move at all. Can anyone shed some light what am I doing wrong? I send the PLC ready to the module and receive Servo rdy signal back at the beginning of the program.

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error code is in the manual. i have dealt with related products such as QD75M4 and based on what i see in your code, they should be similar. error 108 on QD75Mx indicates that axis is asked to do something while it wasn't ready (but to be sure - check the manual for your card). it is important to distinguish between servo positioning card ready and servo axis ready. first one simply says that positioning module is operational, later one is more complicated and you need to create it yourself. normally it will include several conditions such as positioning module ready, no module or axis fault, axis not busy, axis is homed (no OPR_Request flag) etc. at any rate, getting positioning to work requires a bit of preparation: 1) reading current position, 2) jogging, 3) reading and decoding alarms, 4) clearing alarms 5) homing (or at least turning off OPR_request flag) btw, i prefer to arrange all data in plc and then transfer it as a single block to buffers of the card. this is not more efficient and helps keeping scan time low and helps others understand code. also i tend to avoid TO and FROM instructions, i find MOV and it's variants are way better. they not only take much less screen space, have fewer parameters (i have to look them up for TO and FROM more often than i shoud), but more importantly, MOV instructions allow commenting buffers which makes program more readable and allows seeing what buffers have been used in program.

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You fill the first record wirh an ABS positioning command on Axis 1. Adress is written into BFM 2006. But where is the speed setting oin BFM 2008??? Also when trying to run an absolute command, you first need to do once a OPR command. Put value K9001 inside BFM 1500. Then set Y10, and RST Y10 on busy sign. The axis shall run OPR according to the parameter settings. After OPR set BFM 1500 to 1, this means run the first record of positioning table and SET and RST Y10 again.

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