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unable to see nomenclature while online with 5/05

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I'm having issues while online with a 5/05 series C. I'm am using RSLogix ver. 7.30.10 CPR 9 and while online the program file names are missing even after uploading use file from a verified file. Then if I import the database offline the .RSS file size is cut by almost half the size, however the checksum remains the same. It only happens with the 5/05's as I have check with other 5/04's. This sitution does not happen with RSLogix ver. 6.00. I have checked AB's knowledgebase and have not found a clear answer. I am fairly new with programming and have been sent to the forums by a vet. Thanks

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I had a similar problem with v7.2 I removed the file from the RSlogix directory where they are normaly saved. reconnected to the PLC and made a new blank file downloaded from the PLC. I saved it the same name as the file with the tag names and all the nomenclature stuff. turned off RSLogix, deleted the newly created file that had no tag names, then replaced it with the correct one. I do not know how it got jammed up but it seemed to trick it to work again. -Jason

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I had this also happen before but I think it may have something to do with if the CPU image and the program file are not the same?? I also lost the Lad comments...

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