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In RSLOGIX 500 is there any reason why that you can't turn on several outputs in one rung by using branches. Thanks, bowler

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Should work. Are you having a problem? If so post your code we will take a look. Edited by Mickey

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Of course this is legitamate in all RSLogix programs. You may have something else overwriting the outputs that don't appear to be working. No way to tell unless you post your code for us to look at.

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In Rslogix 500 you cannot used the same real output address in OTE. it should only be used once otherwise their were coflict on their logic, But you can used it many time as long as it used as input data or XIC or XIO.

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Partly true. And there may be places to do this. However, it is frequently a dircet indicator of a bug. If you have multple OTE instructions on the SAME bit in the SAME code executing "simultaneously", the last one executed will be the only one that matters (the others are overwritten). This is because the PLC sequence of events is to do I/O, scan the ladder, then do I/O, etc. If the SLC supports SFC's (the PLC-5 does), then you will FREQUENTLY find multiple OTE's because not all ladders may be active depending on the state of the SFC. Another example where you might see some of this is if you make use of MCR zones. I'm not really a fan of MCR zones mostly because they frequently make the code harder to read and debug, but they have their place sometimes. That being said, it's not very clean (since the logic should simply be located entirely outside the MCR zone) but I've seen multiple OTE's with the same input conditions where one is inside an MCR zone and one is located outside of it to override the output when the MCR zone triggers. In a ControlLogix, multiple OTE commands on the same real output are a real problem because on that platform, I/O and ladder scans are asynchronous to each can't really ever tell which state the output would be in. Another frequent place that you may see multiple output instructions on the same bit is with OTL and OTU. In fact, you may even see all 3 (OTE/OTU/OTL) intermixed. Why? For instance, it may make the code cleaner if you have an OTU in a rung following an OTE where the OTU represents an "override" command. Again, not a good idea with ControlLogix but it's not uncommon in PLC-5 & SLC.

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I used the Rxlogix  500 ladder programming package provides flexibility and controls up to 4096 input and 4096 output signals.  

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