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  1. Hello,  I have a PIDE Instruction to control a control valve. The CV minimum is 6% and Max is 100% But when ever the SP is not reached and it has to lower the CV it goes to zero rather than maintaining minimum of 6%. 
  2. help troubleshooting 8 valve festo block?!

    trying to figure out a way to active solenoids from 24 volt power supply through the 9 pin plug on top? i’m having trouble assigning to solenoids.
  3. Float Valve

    Hello. I need to create project to manage FLOAT VALVE. Let's say that RUNNING_Time of valve is 100 seconds. Usually I would control the float valve in this way: When I start or stop the regulation, the valve would be closing for 110% of RUNNING_Time (positioning). When the positioning is done, I would start NORMAL_Operation. In normal operation I would like to drive the valve based on time intervals. If the valve is closed and the POSITION_Setpoint is 50%, I would set the DIGITAL_OUT_Open for 50 seconds. If the POSITION_Setpoint then goes to 60%, I would set the DIGITAL_OUT_Open for 10 more seconds. Does someone have this kind of sample written in CX-Programmer? Thanks. I have INPUT data for valve: - POSITION_Setpoint (0-100%) - RUNNING_Time  (120 sec) I would like to have OUTPUTS: - POSSITION_Current - DIGITAL_OUT_Open - DIGITAL_OUT_Close
  4. valve_control

    Version 1.0.0


    A working example of an FB to control a valve from an HMI panel. Controls closing/opening times, plus a little visualization.
  5. valve_control View File A working example of an FB to control a valve from an HMI panel. Controls closing/opening times, plus a little visualization. Submitter drYurban Submitted 10/05/22 Category PLC Sample Code
  6. CX-Configurator - Profibus DP-V0

    Once again. I'm still facing problem with Pofibus communication between PLC and Comnet-DP module. I'm trying to connect Bosch valve station equiped with Comnet-DP communication module with Omron CJ2M and RPM21 (profibus master) I've made proper configuration in master settings (most important was baud rate but Bosch module adjust baud according to master) Then I've set slave configuration as you can see below: According to:   Other settings were unable to modify or just were left unchhanged. Omron is detecting connected slave but returns diagnostics that says that something is wrong in parameter settings. Same message I can read from Bosch module LEDs. Any experiance in profibus diagnosis, advices what to do? I've checked all settings configurations I have no idea what to do.        
  7. So, hello all. I'm new in Omron PLC. Using: CP1L-EM controll + CP1W-TS102 (x3) Problem: I need to regulate the valve with motor drive. You can meet the same in heating system for control the temperature of water. Logic is simple,  - low temperature? - open valve step-by-step - high temperature? - close the value step-by-step I always use PWM regulation, but in Omron PWM only for encoder (srsly, i don't need 10k impulses during short period of time, i need just several impulses during the time) So, i decided to use TPO. The input calue for TPO is output value from PIDAT. (W451 manual, description of TPO function, example) What's the problem?  1. I need to make difference time between impulses.  Look here: I have 55 C temperature of the water, but i need 80 C, so i need impules for 8-10 sec duration, but when the temper close to 75-79 degress i need the impuls 1-2 sec duration. And, as i read, TPO cant do this, right? Just constant duration in 1 TPO instruction, or use several TPO instruction. Other situation, i have 80 degree Celsius, but i need 50 C, so i need to close the valve.  But i have only 1 TPO! So i need to check the difference beetwen SP (set point of temperature) and PV (process value) and if it hegative - go to PIDAT #1, which connected with TPO #1 and close the valve (SP-PV need to be around 0) If i have positive value (SP-PV) i need to go to PIDAT #2 wich connected with TPO #2.....  Srsly? I cant make the measure between -100 .... 100 for 1 TPO function and use 2 digital output?  I know that 0...10v regulation is better, but i have that i have =)   Sincerely, p001p
  8. Control Valve

    Hi, Please I am new to PLCs & SCADA. I will appreciate if someone can explain what it means by The inlet valve will be actuated by the SCADA  system via two 24V DC digital outputs. Why is it using two 24V DC digital output. Is this because it is a solenoid two way valve?   Thanks
  9. Help Programming a Beckhoff PLC

    I have a very simple problem that I need help with.  I have some programming experience but I am brand new to PLCs and structured text.  I am using TwinCat 3 to program a Beckhoff CX9020.  My goal is to read the temperature from my thermocouple and open or close a valve based on the temperature.  I have successfully connected the PLC to the TwinCat software and I am able to see the value of the thermocouple increase and decrease when I touch it with my fingers.  I need to link that value to a variable in my code so I can have the valve act on it.  I don't know how to properly address the inputs and outputs.  Thank you!