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  1. Time sync

    Hello guys! Could you please someone help for me with the next topic. I have a 1756_L73S Controller. Unfortunatelly, sometimes, the time is going to change in the controller. I have checked the settings under Controller Properties menu. I have chosed the Date/Time. I can see the syncronisation is allowed, the question is how can I now what is it sync with ? Is it an NTP server or what ? I have also checked there is no any time module in the hardver configuration. If I'm clicking the advance menu I couldn't see any informatio which is relevant, at least for me. What am I missing ? I also did like, choosed to set the time the same as the workstation, but for the next day the time has changed again. Thanks ahead guys.    
  2. Hello  We are developing our own EtherNet/IP device (Relay). We have the stack running and all Implicit and Explicit messages work well. My question is on the EDS file and the data types: I’m trying to get the input and output tags of Class 1 messages (Allen Bradley 1769-L16ER-BB1B in Studio 5000) to match the data type, stipulated in the EDS file. Seems like I can't paste images here, I will try to explain from my EDS and Studio 5000. In my EDS, Connection Manager - Exclusive Owner D, T->O Format refers to Assembly4. Assembly 4 refers to Parameter 1. Parameter 1 has a Data Type of UINT (0 - 65535).   Then I Imported this EDS into Studio 5000. I select Connection Manager - Exclusive owner D. Then I can choose between SINT and INT, both of these data types are signed. How do I change the EDS file so that Studio 5000 will ONLY give me UNIT as an option? Help will be appreciated. (EDS attached) marinus           NE_MA_BBRTU_EthIP-Ver1.7.eds
  3. Envision a future where PLC management and development is simple, secure, and efficient, so that factories can increase uptime, reduce mean time to recover, and maximize the productivity of their assets. Software Defined Automation transforms the way engineers interact with and maintain their automation systems. Automated Backup, Simple and Secure Version Control, and more...if anyone is interested in trying it out for free, you can sign up here: Free Trial - or schedule time to discuss if this may be something for you: 30 mins with Jay from SDA - Cheers! Jason Silva - Software Defined Automation - - +1 617-869-4818    
  4. Hello,  I have a PIDE Instruction to control a control valve. The CV minimum is 6% and Max is 100% But when ever the SP is not reached and it has to lower the CV it goes to zero rather than maintaining minimum of 6%. 
  5. Hi all,  I am wondering if Rockwell allow me to use third party EthernetIP servo drive to talk over network and use Motion instructions for camming and gearing profile.  Is it possible to do this? if not, what are the options? Thanks. 
  6. I am copying some data from a vendor PLC through MSG instruction into my PLC through CIP data table read. Is there a better way to break down this array of data into individual real tags through an instruction (something similar to WORD_to_BIT instruction in Modicon). I was looking at FAL instruction but its not exactly doing what I am looking for. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. I'm trying to understand the basics of using a serial to ethernet converter such as this Comtrol DM-EIP-2101, with Studio5000 code. Basically I have a weighing machine that only outputs data via RS-232 and I need to send that data to a PC that will process it through a Studio5000 program and have the data displayed on an HMI using FTview SE. Is it as simple as just connecting the serial and ethernet to the converter and it does all the work? Obviously checking ip addresses and firmware will need to be verified. The main thing I am unsure of is the process of passing the individual data packets from the machine to the Logix code on the PC,  things like what the weight of the item was, was it over weight or under, etc....  Would there be an AOI or tags built into the software for a machine like this Checkweigher? I've worked with much smaller items like Cognex Dataman cameras and I know you can just use their AOI that allows you to simply call a tag if you want to display information like if a scanned barcode was correct or whatever. If anyone has done something similar I'd appreciate any guidance. It can be difficult getting the information from the manufactures so I'm looking for answers anywhere I can. EDIT: I guess I should also clarify that only using one or the other (serial or E/IP) is not an option. It will be a serial connection from the Weighing machine to the converter and then Ethernet to the PC.
  8. Hi Everyone, I've had V32 installed for at least a year but haven't had much need for it until this month. I installed a new activation on Friday that I thought crashed V32, which was weird because all the other Studio versions were working. Any time I tried to open an existing project or even create a new one, I would get an "access violation was generated" fatal error. I reached out to a colleague who found a tech note on the problem. Turns out the activation had nothing to do with the crash but rather, turning on the bookmark tool bar caused it. If you have the bookmarks toolbar turned on in version 32  the Windows desktop needs to be set at 100% magnification, not 125% which is the Windows default. Right clicking on the desktop, picking display settings and changing the scale and layout to 100%, then rebooting the computer fixed it. But now all the Windows icons are really small. I've been spending most of my time in V21 through V28 until recently. Since we're all likely going to be seeing more V32 in the near future, I'd thought I'd pass this on.  
  9. Is there an easy way to copy an Excel table into a string array in RSLogix? instead of doing it one by one?
  10. Hello, I'm new in this forum and I signed up because I have an issue that has been frustrating me over the past few days. My problem is the following: I need to find a way to have a clock that can be out of time 7 hours. For example, I am counting parts on a machine, the machine starts counting at 7AM on day 1, so I need that part count to continue counting until 7AM on day 2. If I use GSV, at 00:00 it starts on day 2 and the log is to be stored on day 2, I need it to be stored on day 1 until 7AM on day 2. I hope I have explained myself correctly. Do you know of any way to do this in ladder logic? Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Hi All I find my self in the middle of a project where i am required to use 12 sew movigear motor/vsd's controlled over EtherNet IP by a Rockwell 5069-L330ER.  I dont have any expirence with these and as such was wondering if any one here has any pointers or better yet, a sample program that i would be able to go through to help teach me.  I have gone through the manual however im still a little confused as to some points. I would like to be able to start, stop and control speed, acc, dec ect like i can with a Powerflex 525 if its possible.  Trevor
  12. Can anyone help me with the issue in the picture? We have the correct version in place yet it gives me a version error stating it needs the version that is installed. Doc1.docx
  13. Hello,  I have 30 recipes(g_Blend_Recipes) and want to search for an item number in the recipes and compare it with what the operator enters on the HMI. The recipes itself is an array and there are 5 item numbers in each recipe. I read about the FSC instruction but did not figure a way out yet. I am attaching a picture of the recipe. Any help would be appreciated.     
  14. Good day. I'm using 1756 L71S GuardLogix Integrated Safety Controller with Studio 5000 v28. My controller is connected to a third party software through ethernet connection, it simulates my project hardware and provides all the signals to my PLC. To know all the hardware signallocation at PLC memory, it uses a Tag export file provided by Studio 5000. In other PLCs, when you declare a variable as hardware input, you have to select in which address from the memory you want this input to be read, something like "Bit Input 0.0". But in AB this step is skipped, that is all addresses are managed by Studio5000 and hidden from the user. Is there any configuration at Studio 5000 that let me assign or at least see this addresses? Normally I would prefer my tags addresses to be hidden, but in this specific case it is more useful to know memory addresses.  
  15. I'm trying to use a tag as an array index in FBD in Studio 5000, this works without issue in ST and LDD, but seems to not be allowed in function block. This seems incredibly short sighted to me which leads me to believe I must be doing something wrong. Is this possible? and if not is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?   Attached are two screenshots, one of my problem with the exact error and one with a (hopefully) temporary workaround that I'm using currently. Thanks.
  16. Hey everyone, I seem to have gotten myself into a whopper of a problem at work. I am trying to register an EDS file in Studio 5000 ver. 30. The EDS file is from Bihl-Wiedemann for an ASi Gateway device. In Studio I am going to Tools, then EDS Hardware Installation Tool, then I drill down to where I have the EDS file saved, select it and click Next, Next. Then I get the message at the end saying You have successfully completed the EDS Wizard, and there are no errors in the error box. Great! Except now when I go to the Ethernet Tree and attempt to add this device, There are no Bihl-Wiedemann devices available. I have also tried this with an IO-Link device from Turck, same result. Rockwell tech support had me Uninstall all versions of RSLogix and Studio and then reinstall just ver. 30. Did that, same result. Anybody have any great ideas for me to try?    
  17. Hello to everybody, I'm new in AB world, but has experience in Siemens and Omron. I'm trying to find out a way how I can handle multiple PLC firmware versions in Studio 5000. I installed Studio 5000 v30.* and it give me only 1 option to select PLC with v30 or HMI with v3. I get in touch with AB support and they told me to upgrade my PLC firmware to support my software version what is doesn't sounds like solution for me. Could anybody help me to explain how Studio 5000 works and it was done in Rockwell world?  Thanks in advance! Regards, Scotty
  18. Insert existing attachment A lot of automation cells we get done are made outside of shop so we don't typically have any current acd files for the plc. I am trying to make changes to the program but uploading seems to be giving me some problems. The initial upload seems to work fine I can select a file to save to and I begin to see the file being upload, the problem comes after about two minutes near the end of the upload. Attached is the error I see after the upload stops. Has anyone seen this problem before and know of a solution? Any help would be appreciated. Current controller Studio 5000 Logix Designer 28.03.00 1756-L71S
  19. I am trying to read data from a Micro 850 into my L18 (V 30.11). I have never set up an ethernet bridge between these 2 components and i have been up against a wall since starting. I have the MSG blocks in my routine but i am obviously configuring either the bridge, MSG instruction or something wrong. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!!!