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  1. Omron FINS/TCP Reconnecting

    Hey I'm trying to implement reconnecting for FINS/TCP protocol, according to W421 Omron documentation (link: ), but it not working. According to diagram in 7-4 section at 183 page, after connection lost and restore connection to the Internet, Client(PC) should again connect with PLC using the same Client(PC) FINS Node Id. PLC should detect connection error and response with error code 00000021 hexadecimal: Specified node is already connected. It works. After this should I close socket (created after restore connection) or this socket should be closed automatically by PLC? Then I should create new socket (third) and connect with the same Client(PC) FINS Node Id should be possible. But i've got "Specified node is already connected" error again. PLC dosn't forget before connection. Why? What I'am doing wrong?   // Client FINS Node id = 50, Server FINS Node id = 10. Standard communication works public void TestReconnect() { // connect on TCP Layer this.tcpClient.Connect(base.ipEndpoint); // NADS Frame - finsClientNode = 0 - autoallocation this.SendNodeAddressDataSend(); // Power interruption!!! // creating new socket, old socket is unavailable this.tcpClient = new TcpClient(); // connect on TCP Layer this.tcpClient.Connect(base.ipEndpoint); // NADS Frame - use finsClientNode autoallocated before // should return error "The specified node is already connected." this.SendNodeAddressDataSend(); // disconnect on TCP Layer, should i do this? this.tcpClient.Close(); // creating new socket, old socket was closed this.tcpClient = new TcpClient(); // connect on TCP Layer this.tcpClient.Connect(base.ipEndpoint); // NADS Frame - use finsClientNode autoallocated before // shouldn't return error "The specified node is already connected." // because connection with this node was closed before this.SendNodeAddressDataSend(); } private NodeAddressDataSendResponse SendNodeAddressDataSend() { /* byte clientNodeId = finsRequestDataProvider.GetClientNodeId(); byte[] header = new byte[] { F, I, N, S, // 'F' 'I' 'N' 'S' 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, // 12 Bytes expected 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // NADS Command (0 Client to server, 1 server to client) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Error code (Not used) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, clientNodeId // Client node address, 0 = auto assigned };*/ var nodeAddressDataSendRequest = this.finsRequestFactory.CreateNodeAddressDataSendRequest(); var nodeAddressDataSendResponse = this.Execute(nodeAddressDataSendRequest); this.finsRequestDataProvider.StoreAutoallocatedNodeId(nodeAddressDataSendResponse.ClientNodeId, nodeAddressDataSendResponse.ServerNodeId); return nodeAddressDataSendResponse; }   Thanks for any help