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  1. Hey, I have a project which one part involves using a RTD PT100 (0-100 Deg.C 4-20mA) connected to a CJ1W AD041 (ATD input card), the PLC is a CJ2M Basically the PLC needs to read the RTD and display the temperature on a Omron HMI (NS10), via Ethernet, Could someone please help me out with a basic example program - to read and convert the RTD - ATD value to store in memory. Your help would be most appreciated. Thanks  Richard       
  2. Hello everybody, I want to make controll system. I have a problem with a choice and costs. Allen bradley distributor sent me £10k proposition(I've bee expected 15% of that money:D) This is my specs: -10 Analog inputs [0-10V] -7 Digital inputs [24V] -1 Analog input [4-20mA] -19 PT100 inputs -5 Analog outputs  [0-10V] -9 Digital outputs  [24V] Maybe you have an advices for a components?
  3. On-Off Temperature control

    Hi, i'm actually working on a project with a CPU33 CJ2M and a external analog output CJ1W-AD04U I'm trying to read the informations coming from a PT100 sensor and control a valve which act on the temperature. i'm kind of lost in this project because it's my "first time" with Omron ! Which function block must i use or how must i program this would you show me example ?  Thank you for the help guys.
  4. Pt100 only measure

    Hello, I have a cj2 plc, and i would like to use two pt100 to measure, and just show the results on an hmi screen. I started to look at the  Cat. No. W396-E1-03 SYSMAC CJ Series CJ1W-TC@@@ Temperature Control Units manual,  but i don`t understand fully, that is these card are only for temperature controls? What is the easiest way to have the readings? it doesn't need to be the cheapest solution. And especially how is the programming works? Is there a special unit are i read about but how is the adressing works? Im completely new to omron (i know siemens) so any linked guides are welcome!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Temperature measurement usind Arduino Nano, RTD PT100 sensor,  4-20 mA current loop transmiter, and a python app for visualization
  6. View File Temperature measurement using Arduino Nano, RTD PT100 temperature sensor and 4-20 mA transmitter Temperature measurement usind Arduino Nano, RTD PT100 sensor,  4-20 mA current loop transmiter, and a python app for visualization Submitter Absolutelyautomation Submitted 04/01/16 Category Other PLC Demo Software
  7. Dear colleagues and siemens experts, I''m new in siemens. As all I make my program for PLC, but I need help with PID autotunig (pretuning) I use : 1.CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC (6ES7214-1AG40-0XB0) 2. 6ES7214-1AG40-0XB02. 16IN/16 OUT DC/DC/DC (6ES7-223-1BL32-0XB0) 3. 2x 6ES7231-5PD32-0XB0 ( 4 channel RTD analog module - PT100) We use 7(seven) Pt100 points with 7(seven) heaters ... so I need 7 additional outputs..... [you can see example of wiring in attached pic 6es7231-5pd32-0xb0-modules.jpg] Maximum heating point is around 220 degrees. I make my configuration for PID_Compact : 1. Basic settings 1.1 Controller type : Temperature : °C Set mode to : Pretuning ( sometimes I make it Automatic mode) 1.2 Input_Per(analog) -----> Output_PWM 2.Process value setting: 2.1 Process value limits: Process value high limit : 220.0 °C 2.2 Process value limits: Default 3. Advance setting 3.1Process value monitor : Default 3.2 PWM limits Minimum ON time : 0.5 sec Minimum OFF time : 0.5 sec 3.3 Output value : Default 3.4 PID parameters : Default I start Commissioning with these steps : 1. Measurement : Sampling time 0.5 Start 2. Start PID_Compact 3.Tuning mode : Start When I try first time my setpoint was 90 degrees , second time I try with 120 degrees. After 4-5 hours it stop more in Progress bar it stop when I reach a little more then 50%, and I stop PID. For heaters it is not normal to process to be 4-5 hours, there have some wrong. Example with 120 degrees : During process I make : When Input_PER reach 120[1200] degrees I stop physical access to heaters. When Input_PER reach 100[1000] degrees I start physical access to heaters So 4-5 hours is soo long time for this type process. Time to reach 120 degrees from 100 degrees is around 2-3 min. Time to fall from 120 degrees to 100 degrees is around 4-5 min. Total time for one whole cycle around : 8min. Sometimes when I set setpoint to 140, 150 degrees it writes me that output set value is to high after I give Start Pretuning ? Even sometimes when try for 120 degrees .... As all I want to start PID pretuning (autotuning) with setpoint 140 - 150 degrees. Which are minimum requirement to start PID autotuning with PID_Compact ? Could you send me some very simple example and steps that I must make or only steps ? I attached files in dropbox with images and program example, because I can't attached nothing here. This form don't give me access to attached something. So link is here : Even program is there. Thanks in advance Best regards : Altan