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  1. I am new to automation systems and devices and I just want to know how to connect two HMI's (each one would control different things) to one PLC using Sysmac Studio and NB-Designer via Ethernet. The model of the PLC is NX1029020 and the HMI's are one NB10W-TW01B and an NB7W-TW01B. I searched for info about this topic online but I couldn't find anything that worked for me, I saw an article from OMRON where they connect two NB's to the CP series, but in my case, NB designer doesn't allow me to insert more than one HMI in the same project, I also found something similar on a youtube video that gave me an idea about how to connect multiple HMIs exporting the pks file and importing it to another HMI project but I still can´t figure out how to add both to my PLC. I would thank you a lot if you could help me with this because I know it's not a rare implementation, just I haven´t found the right way to do it. I also leave the links to the Omron article and the youtube video I found.
  2. Hello, I need to make communication NB TW01B by Omron with Siemens's S7 1200 PLC using MODBUS TCP. I did everything like in this manual: I can read and write single bits from and to DB but I have problem with representation of float variable. In hmi_variable.png you can see my DB. Every BOOL variable communicate just fine the real ones doesnt. In NB - variables.png you can see how i added them into NB panel variable table. Settings.png shows settings of my INPUT number element on the frame( screen in NB). When I write on panel for example number 10.0 then from the panel view it looks properly but in PLC you can see value like in the 10.0.png. What am I doing wrong? Any suggest? hmi_variable.png NB - variables.png Settings.png 10.0.png
  3. Version 1.4.0


    This is a custom template created for nb7w tw01b HMI. hope someone finds it useful. If you want to create custom templates for NB series hmi feel free to ask me. Cheers.
  4. View File Template for NB series hmi NB7W_TW01B This is a custom template created for nb7w tw01b HMI. hope someone finds it useful. If you want to create custom templates for NB series hmi feel free to ask me. Cheers. Submitter Aneesh Submitted 10/27/17 Category Other Omron Products