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  1. Hey there, I want to control a SEW MovidriveB with option DFE33B via Ethernet/IP with my M580. I added the Movidrive in the DTM-Browser but I am not able to see the Process Data Words of the converter. Is there someone who can show me an example of how to configure this in Control Expert? I want to use the "extended positioning via bus" of the SEW-Converter so I should have 6 Process Data Words. I think the .eds-File may be false or corrupted, because i can't find the settings of the PI- and PO-Words in Control Expert. If i open the .eds-File in Editor i can see them.   Sorry for the bad english. Greetings from Germany
  2. Hey there, we want to upgrade some of our old TSX87 PLCs to new Schneider M580. My boss gave me an order to make a plan. My basic idea is to only use a M580 processor and some communication cards. For the I/O we want to use some Beckhoff bus couplers. So we got the possibility to convert our old Grafcet to new ones via software by Schneider. But if **** hits the fan we only have to change the processor and can use another system like Siemens or Beckhoff without changing the I/O devices. My problem now is, that i don't know what bus i should use. I can't find many informations about the supported busses that the M580 is using or i can't find informations if a specific bus is working with it. I would prefer the Ethercat bus by Beckhoff. Can somebody say if it is working with the M580 processors or do i need to use some special communication card for it? Maybe someone used it already in this combination.   Sorry for the bad english. Greetings from Germany
  3. I have this hardware configuration of an extension rack for a M580 PLC projet using EcoStruxure Control Expert I export the.XHW file by following the procedure below: And I am trying to rename the DD1602 card using the file, however, when I rename the card as a show in the next image (selected in green), and re-change the file to the .XHW extension, when I re-import it into Control Expert, I get an error saying: unknown fatal exception, even though the only change I've made is to the name of the card. I know I can rename IODDTs instances manually in Control Expert, but in fact I'm trying to automate the process of renaming IODDTs because I have a lot of IODDTs to rename, which is why I thought of using the XHW file. Does anyone have an idea of what I could do? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi all, I'm having an issue with EcoStructure Control Expert where when using DTM browser I try to connect but I get a message "No Ethernet/IP device at specified address...." My issue is that I had a device communicating using modbus but it has stopped and I cannot diagnosis the issue. I can ping the address and run a modbus poll from a PC on the network and everything performs correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
  5. Hi,   I am planning to upgrade a premium PLC to M580, I have the program uploaded from existing premium PLC. I tried to convert the program by using UMAC but lof of errors happening, can any one help on this? Regards Sandeep
  6. Hello,   We have M580 behind NAT router and we want to download programs to M580 with Unity Pro XL over web. We need to do port forwarding to PLC IP address on router. What TCP port Unity Pro uses when downloading programs to M580?
  7. Good morning everybody,   I am working on a project using Schneider M580 PLC. The PLC is connected on an Ethernet Switch and all connection from Unity to the PLC is made through the Ethernet network. My customer is asking me to demonstrate that the PLC connexion password traveling on the network is encrypted. Would any one of you be able to guide me to a document where this is explicitely said. I have being searching Unity help file, the M580 reference Manual, The M580 Planning guide, Modicon cybersecurity reference manual, etc and all I could find is a mention that password is encrypted in the programm file. Close but not what I need to prove to the customer.   Kind regards,
  8. Hi I have a scenario where I need to setup communication between a Mitsubishi L-series PLC to Schneider Modicon M580. I need to use the onboard ethernet port of the L-series PLC. The protocol I need to use, is Ethernet IP. (socket communication). Can someone please assist?