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  1. I am using a Omron NX102-9000 PLC programming through Sysmac studio software, I have a Data received in 2 words Hex 4453 7FE0. i need to convert this to Float format and result supposed to be 845.998 but when i combine and convert it to real it give result 1146322944.Need help to get correct format data.   // Shift High_Word to the upper 16 bits and combine with Low_Word Combined_Value := (SHL(TO_DWORD(Pos_XWord), 16)) OR TO_DWORD(Pos_XWord2); // Convert the combined DWORD to a REAL (float) Float_Value1:= DWORD_TO_REAL(Combined_Value);
  2. I need to configure a 1734-AENT with 2x 1734-IB8 cards using the Genereic Ethernet Module in RSLogix5000.  Can anyone assist with the correct Assembly instance and size for the input, output and configuration? I've tried following the manual but have not gotten it to work yet.    The reason why I need to use the generic ethernet module is because I need to add this IO online, cannot stop the plant.  The manual that is used is 1734-UM016B
  3. REAL or DINT to ASCII

    Hi, Is it possible to convert a number (a REAL or DINT in my case) to an ASCII string equivalent in CX-Programmer (I'm using a CP1H) ? For example : REAL = -12.3456 -> String (starting from W0 for instance) = [2D 31][32 2E][33 34][35 36]                                                                                                  [- 1]     [2 .]      [3 4]    [5 6]                                                                                                   [W0]    [W1]    [W2]    [W3] For a DINT, the process would be the same but there would never be any decimal point (but there could be a minus sign AKA 0x2D in ASCII). This operation is trivial in Sysmac Studio, but seems quite tedious in CX-Programmer.
  4. Hello guys, I am new to this forum and have some problems with my PowerFlex755 EENET frequency inverter. I want to do a point to point positioning task but my problem before I can have a look at the point to point positioning is, that the inverter is always running with 5Hz as soon as I give the start command. Even if I write 0.0 to the reference the output frequency is about 5 Hz. When I change my reference speed to 10.0Hz the output frequency is 12.X (see attached screenshots). . I thought that maybe a min frequency of 5Hz was set somehow, but I couldn't find a parameter and that wouldn't explain why I have 12.X Hz as the output frequency with a setpoint of 10Hz. And an other question, have someone experience with positining tasks with a PowerFlex755 and Point to Point positioning? I think in the first step it is not working because of the problem I described above, but maybe someone have a programming example or could tell me where I can find some information about how to use the Point to Point positioning?   Thank you for advice!  Matthis Josewski
  5. Float Valve

    Hello. I need to create project to manage FLOAT VALVE. Let's say that RUNNING_Time of valve is 100 seconds. Usually I would control the float valve in this way: When I start or stop the regulation, the valve would be closing for 110% of RUNNING_Time (positioning). When the positioning is done, I would start NORMAL_Operation. In normal operation I would like to drive the valve based on time intervals. If the valve is closed and the POSITION_Setpoint is 50%, I would set the DIGITAL_OUT_Open for 50 seconds. If the POSITION_Setpoint then goes to 60%, I would set the DIGITAL_OUT_Open for 10 more seconds. Does someone have this kind of sample written in CX-Programmer? Thanks. I have INPUT data for valve: - POSITION_Setpoint (0-100%) - RUNNING_Time  (120 sec) I would like to have OUTPUTS: - POSSITION_Current - DIGITAL_OUT_Open - DIGITAL_OUT_Close
  6. 2 Words to Real

    Hi:       There are 2 Word, Let say  Word_0 = 5c29, and Word_1=3e8f, I combined that 2 word into  DWord=3e8f5c29; The result converted online ( to Float will be 0.280 (expected result).   But with DWORD_To_Real , i get this result :    1.0354898e+09    REAL          May I know how to convert the 2 words into Real (Float ?) Omron PLC: NX1    
  7. Hi, I have old E600 HMI and i want to convert the program to new c2 or x2 series hmi, is it possible to convert program to new one by some procedure or software, Thanks Amin
  8. Hello people! I'm using a NX1P2 controller combined with a CIF105 serial card installed on it. For my project, I get some data that are in ASCII form and I want to keep that form when are extracted in a .csv file. I have established the communication for getting the data but, the problem is that I cannot extract the data in the ASCII form. Data extraction comes in Hex form. I use the NX_SerialRcv instruction for the communication and the AryToString conversion for the data. When using the Watch Tab Page I can display the data in ASCII form but, as far as I understand, this is only for online monitoring. I went through topics here and OMRON manuals for finding any Hex to ASCII conversion instruction but the only info I came across was for CX controllers which cannot be implemented to NX controller. Is there any similar instruction for NX controller or I should create a new Library for the conversion? Any tips and/or a sample would be highly appreciated! Thanks! Man31    
  9. Hey guys, I did a quick search here and didn't come up with anything, so hoping I'm not asking something that has already been answered. I'm looking at automating an existing plant which currently has zero controls, so starting from scratch. The process isn't complicated but the equipment is a bit spread out over a two story facility. We're thinking about using a CompactLogix 1769-L32, physically located as central as possible, with ten four-slot 1734 Point I/O blocks. My concern is that many Allen Bradley controllers limit the number of I/O modules you can add to the project. Like some 1756 controllers are limited to 30 local and remote I/O modules, CompactLogix controllers may be limited to 16 local and who knows how many remotes, etc. I can't find anything that spells it out explicitly in the Design Considerations Manual. The CompactLogix 5370 User Manual only says it supports, "a limited number of Point I/O modules that can be used as local modules". Nothing about networked modules. The CompactLogix Selection Guide clearly defines the number of network nodes, but nothing about the number of modules. Does anyone have any direct experience with this much Point I/O in a CompactLogix environment? I'm thinking that we're in an age of counting nodes, rather than modules but don't want to order the hardware without being 100% sure.
  10. Float Value FX2N Problem

    Dear All, I am facing a problem in FX2n, Infact i am making a totalizer from the flow. everything is fine. but client demands to add some totalizer value to start with totalizer.  the problem is that when i add 50000 value the value of registers stucks. although i am using 32bit float register along with DEADD command for Totalizer. the makes some steady at some place. i dont know why. but i give the totalizer 0 it works fine.  Any Solution regarding this will be help.    Value in the D72 = 0.0003
  11. fx5u PLC C# Read float devices

    Hi, I am trying to read float devices using ActUtlTypeLib from MX COmponent v4, i can't. Using C#. In the manual, it seems only short and int can be readed?? Can anyone help me?   Thks!
  12. Dword to Float on FX3GE

    Hello! I have a float number (HEX: 3CA01D0F) in Big Endian. It's 0.0195451062. I get it from the sensor and store it in a double word variable. Could you help me? How can I convert DWord to Float? If i use DFLT instruction, It treats DWord as an integer (1017126159) and just gives me 1.017126 e+009 Thanks in advance.
  13. Hello, I'm using RSLogix 500 application for LAD programming. I would like to convert the float data type to integer data type and vice versa. I tried with the COP instruction as some had mentioned in other forums, but it was not working. So any suggestions on solving that issue would be helpful.
  14. Can anyone explain to me what this would mean in a COP instruction? Source: #N[N187:4]:[N187:5] Dest: #N[N187:1]:0 Length: 20 I am doing a PLC5 conversion to rslogix5000 and some (most) of it has been a nightmare -.-
  15. Hi All, I've some problems after converting a cqm1-cpu41 program to a cj2m unit. I am still trying to identify all problems  but the most annoing at this moment is the following. This cpu is connected to a proface HMI, and commands the screens that are shown,  through D1. I am keep getting screen #9 ("press reset"). if i press and hold ALARM_RESET (0.07) and the timer hits, I get the main screen that i want.But after releasing ALARM_RESET (0.07) screen #9 is back again (so that value is wriiten in D1)   This is a snippit of the converted program (exactly the same as the old program) There isn't any other code writing #9 in D1.  The strange thing is that line 210 is doing exactly that ( IF NOT ALARM_RESET (0.07) -> MOv #9 to D1 ) what is see, but how in earth did this work in the old CQM1 unit ? I suspect something with cycle time ? Maybe in the old unit line 217 was executed later and #A was written in D1 'over' the #9. Anyone has some thoughts on this ? Thanks in advance  Jeroen  
  16. I am working on  calculating a checksum value for a command that is to be sent from an Allen-Bradley CompactLogix PLC to a Mass flow controller. An example of a command is the following: "@@@022SX!20.00;CHECKSUM".  1. The checksum is the sum of every characters' ASCII code value (starting from character 3).  2.Then this sum (which would be in decimal format) has to be converted to HexaDecimal 3. Finally, the last two characters of the result have to be extracted and that would be the value of the checksum.  (For Ex: the value of every individual characters' ASCII code (starting from point 3) of the above command is 715. in HexaDecimal, 715 = 2CB. So , the value of the checksum for this command would be 2CB) I got to the point where i found the sum of ASCII code. Any idea on how to convert that to  a HexaDecimal and then convert that HexaDecimal to a string so that I could concatenate it to the command string??   
  17. Conversion from A to Q

    Good Evening everyone, I do realise that this has possibly been done before but quite a few years ago and the links no longer seem to work or links to Mitsi pages that are in Japanese, so please excuse me. I have soem A series PLC kit that needs replacing and I have bought all new Q series stuff to replace(where possible). I have been languishing a little on this project now for a few months but need to get moving. I purchased a GOT HMI and got a good deal on the HMI and the complete Mitsubishi Software Suite the local Mitsi guru said that was all I needed to get the job done. But afetr delving into what came inthe box it seems I need a A - Q Conversion Support Tool However I cannot find the software on any of the DVD's that I have and I cannot seem to find a download. So I am stuck now. Can anyone help point me in the right directon? Any Help greatly appreceiated. Thanks in advance.    
  18. Original FX3U project written with GX Developer FX Version 8.45X. I now want to program an FX5U with the same program (well, slightly modified). I have MELSOFT GX Works3. How do I import / convert the original project? I have done a web search but can't find the answer. The installed help files don't seem to cover the topic either. Many thanks.
  19. I have to replace a PLC5 with a new 1756-L73. There are (3) panels involved in system. The main panel controls (2) other panels remotely via each their own 1771-ASB module. Time is of the essence on this project so I am trying to find ways to reduce the required downtime needed to make the switch over. I am going with AB's new conversion method of using the existing swing arms assemblies into a mounting adapter then the c-logix rack on top of that. Question - Can I convert the (2) remote panels first or can they only be done once the main panel with the PLC has been converted over? The remotes only have input & output cards in them.
  20. Hi all,               I am working with FX-3G PLC and it is communicating with a Weintek HMI. I am feeding a data in HMI in float format through a D register. But it is showing some other value in PLC. I don't know what is needed to done to extract the same float value into FX3G plc. So the basic question is how to store that float value in any of the registers in FX-3G plc? Requesting your support please.
  21. I am having problem converting a DWORD variable to a floating point decimal.  I've tried using the DWORD_TO_REAL function. Having the hex value "41E9B814" as an input I was expecting to get "29.2148819" as an output. However, I'm getting "1.110194.." as the output. Any ideas?    
  22. Hi Everyone, Learning the ropes of SoMachine V4.2 (coming from Arduino and Ucontrollers), I am using a Sequiental step style program and I am receiving 4 error messages. I'm trying to understand why it won't compile.   POU for implicit check is missing. It is recommend to add the POU. C0032: Cannot convert type "IeSFc.SFCStepType(iesfc, (systen))'to type BOOL "Same error for a different ladder (the output of ladder rung hits the transition step, the transition is a bool which kicks off the beginning of another ladder rung). C0032: Cannot convert type BOOL to "IeSFc.SFCStepType(iesfc, (systen)) Are these two different "data" types?   Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi Everyone,   Learning the ropes of SoMachine V4.2 (coming from Arduino and Ucontrollers), I am using a Sequiental step style program and I am receiving 4 error messages. I'm trying to understand why it won't compile.   POU for implicit check is missing. It is recommend to add the POU. C0032: Cannot convert type "IeSFc.SFCStepType(iesfc, (systen))'to type BOOL "Same error for a different ladder (the output of ladder rung hits the transition step, the transition is a bool which kicks off the beginning of another ladder rung). C0032: Cannot convert type BOOL to "IeSFc.SFCStepType(iesfc, (systen)) Are these two different "data" types?   Thanks in advance!
  24. Hello All, I will first state that I am very new to the world of PLC's. I do the control drawings where I work. I'm trying to figure out the 1734 Point IO, specifically the 1734-IA4. The manual states "Module power is supplied from the internal power bus". Does this mean I do not need to run ANY power wires to the modules? The installation manual shows points 4,5,6 and 7 as "L1" wires?? The system I am designing, from left to right has the following: 1794-PS13, 1734-AENT, 1734-FPD, Followed by Qty. 11 1734-IA4's. I'm bringing 120VAC and 24VDC to the 1794-PS13. From the 120VAC terminals, I run wires to the FPD. From the 24VDC terminals, I run wires to the 1734-AENT. On the first 1734-IA4, I would think I should bring any power there, because its already back plane fed...….correct? Or DO I run power wires there? Thanks in advance
  25. Device point error between Parameter and PLC

    Hello all, I am a beginner with PLCs programming. I have an issue on GX Developer programming software from Melsoft trying to program my Mitsubishi Q-series PLC. CPU is Q03UDCPU. When the program is written and I try to upload it to the PLC, with the write to PLC window, I check -Program -- MAIN and -Prameter -- PLC/Network/Remote, click EXECUTE and a message appears : "Device point that is set in parameter is not match the device point in PLC". I can't fix it. In Parameter - PLC Parameter - Q parameter setting (window) - I/O assignment tab : I have (see image). Whe I use CHECK button it says there is no error. The X41 input device is plugged on slot 1/00. I am making this folowing the instructions a PDF I found on the Mitsubishi electric's wesite : Q-series basic course (for GX Developer). Thanks for the help, A. S.