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  1. GX Logviewer Download?

    Hi, I am trying to use the CPU Module Logging Configuration Tool and need to open the GX LogViewer. When I try to open the LogViewer, I get the popup message saying "GX LogViewer has not been installed. Download it from the MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FA Global Website". However, even though I am logged in to that website, I cannot see how to download GX LogViewer. There are many other software packages to download but not that one. Does anyone know how to go about downloading GX LogViewer? Kind Regards, Oliver  
  2. Hello  We are developing our own EtherNet/IP device (Relay). We have the stack running and all Implicit and Explicit messages work well. My question is on the EDS file and the data types: I’m trying to get the input and output tags of Class 1 messages (Allen Bradley 1769-L16ER-BB1B in Studio 5000) to match the data type, stipulated in the EDS file. Seems like I can't paste images here, I will try to explain from my EDS and Studio 5000. In my EDS, Connection Manager - Exclusive Owner D, T->O Format refers to Assembly4. Assembly 4 refers to Parameter 1. Parameter 1 has a Data Type of UINT (0 - 65535).   Then I Imported this EDS into Studio 5000. I select Connection Manager - Exclusive owner D. Then I can choose between SINT and INT, both of these data types are signed. How do I change the EDS file so that Studio 5000 will ONLY give me UNIT as an option? Help will be appreciated. (EDS attached) marinus           NE_MA_BBRTU_EthIP-Ver1.7.eds
  3. Currently updating an HMI from CX-Designer to Sysmac Studios. CX-Designer UI has String Display & Input which allows user to input a new value via keypad, and also displays user specified message for confirmation (Yes or No option / or Message String ).  In Sysmac String Display & Input are seperated into 2 different button types. Data Display (Displays Variable Value only, no keypad/input option) & Data Edit (Displays variable value, has keypad/input option). Im looking to click on the DataEdit (or w/e works) , input a value, have a user specified message display. If I click yes, a keypad will show to input the new value, and if I click No it will not input anything. So far I have used a DataEdit button, have my plc tag 'HMI.HMI_Shift1_String' mapped to Global Events to Display my popup message so when I click on the button the keypad first popsup, I enter the value, and press enter, It then displays my popup screen. However when I click "NO" it still submits the value I dont want entered in the DataEdit button. How do I get this "NO" button on my popup to work correctly and not input anything that was registered into the Keypad when pressed and my "YES" Button to register whats in the keypad?  NO is currently not connected to any variables so of course it won't close anything. But wondering how I can go about this to configure correctly.        
  4. Hi All, I need to start PLC Data Logging using an SD card in the CPU module for an iQ-R PLC.  I have not attempted this kind of logging before and I was wondering about any restrictions on the type of SD cards that can be used. The documentation I have found says "SD/SDHC memory card: 32Gb maximum". Does anyone know why can't I use a 64 GB SD card ? (maybe due to addressing limitations?) Also, when I look for SD cards, I see different speeds of data transfer such as 120 MB/s or 100 MB/s and I was wondering if there is any difference as far as the logging is concerned.  Does anyone know if there are any other restrictions, brands that don't work? Useful tips? Cheers    
  5. I am working on resolving issue in Press Machine where previous engineer has developed logic as per attached file. the atatched screen of HMI can only access by Engineer and only Engineer can set value of SPM (Stroke per minute). Once switch is set on the SPM of any job can not go beyond set value. The issue I am facing it when we power cycle, the switch get off and the register D2842 get SPM back to normal (set as per the die data) not by eng. How I can hold that data after Cycle power?  
  6. Hi All, I need access to a the Safety function blocks within a safety CPU using sysmac studio on a machine we are upgrading.. Is there a generic password available to gain access? Best Regards, Paul  
  7. Dear reader, I am writing a C# program using the library  ‘EasyModbus’ that needs to communicate with Siemens WinCC via the connection type ‘Modicon modbus’ I have written a version using the ‘float’ data type in WinCC and that works perfectly. Here my code fragment: Method to convert ‘double’ to bytes in C#: public static byte[] DoubleToModbusFloat(double value) {     byte[] bytes = new byte[4];     float floatValue = (float)value;     int intValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(floatValue), 0);     bytes[0] = (byte)(intValue >> 24);     bytes[1] = (byte)(intValue >> 16);     bytes[2] = (byte)(intValue >> 8);     bytes[3] = (byte)intValue;     return bytes; } Call of the method and loading of the modbus registers in EasyModbus: Bytes = PublicCode.DoubleToModbusFloat(TmpDbl); int n = (int)ModbusStartAddress + ((i - 1) * 2); mb.ModServer.holdingRegisters[n + 1] = (short)((Bytes[0] << 8) + Bytes[1]); mb.ModServer.holdingRegisters[n + 2] = (short)((Bytes[2] << 8) + Bytes[3]); So far so good – this works fine. But I also want to be able to use the ‘Double’ data type in WinCC because I sometimes need more precision than the 7 figures of the ‘float’. I thought it would simply be a case of doubling up the code so I wrote: Method to convert ‘double’ to bytes in C#: public static byte[] DoubleToModbusDouble(double value) {     byte[] bytes = new byte[8];     long intValue = BitConverter.ToInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0);     bytes[0] = (byte)((intValue >> 56) & 0xff);     bytes[1] = (byte)((intValue >> 48) & 0xff);     bytes[2] = (byte)((intValue >> 40) & 0xff);     bytes[3] = (byte)((intValue >> 32) & 0xff);     bytes[4] = (byte)((intValue >> 24) & 0xff);     bytes[5] = (byte)((intValue >> 16) & 0xff);     bytes[6] = (byte)((intValue >> 8) & 0xff);     bytes[7] = (byte)(intValue & 0xff);     return bytes; } Call of method and loading of the modbus registers in EasyModbus: Bytes = PublicCode.DoubleToModbusDouble(TmpDbl); int n = (int)ModbusStartAddress + ((i - 1) * 4); mb.ModServer.holdingRegisters[n + 1] = (short)((Bytes[0] << 8) + Bytes[1]); mb.ModServer.holdingRegisters[n + 2] = (short)((Bytes[2] << 8) + Bytes[3]); mb.ModServer.holdingRegisters[n + 3] = (short)((Bytes[4] << 8) + Bytes[5]); mb.ModServer.holdingRegisters[n + 4] = (short)((Bytes[6] << 8) + Bytes[7]); However, this code does not work correctly. I have tried all combinations of byte and word reversal, and whatever I do WinCC either displays nonsensical values or ‘####’ showing that it cannot display the value. I have tried reading as much documentation as I can but it still looks to me as if I am doing the right thing. Also, I have downloaded a number of ‘modbus master’ code examples, and they seem to be able to read the ‘Double’ from my program without any issues. In WinCC I also see that there are two types of double – ‘Double’ and ‘+/- Double’ – I am also unsure as to why this is – there is no ‘+/- Float’ data type, which seems inconsistent to me. I am obviously missing something, but cannot seem to discover what exactly. I hope that someone can point me in the right direction as to what I am doing wrong. Please see attached word file for a picture of the configuration of the connection in WinCC.   Thanks in advance for any help !, Dave Long Double trouble.docx
  8. Data register over flow

    Hi, data registers are getting full, because of extremely high speed pulsing is there any way , if the data value in register goes above the capacity of 32 bit register, it automatically attaches itself to next set of data registers so lets say if data was written in D10,D11 Upon reaching the limit, it goes to D10, D11, D12, D13 please share if there is an alternate way to do this
  9. Data register over flow

    Hi, data registers are getting full, because of extremely high speed pulsing is there any way , if the data value in register goes above the capacity of 32 bit register, it automatically attaches itself to next set of data registers so lets say if data was written in D10,D11 Upon reaching the limit, it goes to D10, D11, D12, D13 please share if there is an alternate way to do this
  10. Hi, I'm Jovel, I'm new to learning how to program PLC. Just want to learn how to use Omron Sysmac Studio . I have a question about the Data Type Data Type - Structure ( Offset Type - Offset Byte )  / Union   I Don't Understand this 2 Data types and how going to use them, can anyone teach me and have a sample program? Thank you
  11. Hi All I am trying to connect Cognex OPC Server with Mircrosoft SQL Server (SMSS). Do you have any idea how to do that? I couldn't find relevant information online.
  12. Emerson (GE) memory map data types

     I've always had this Allen-Bradley memory map taped on my wall in my office. It used to be handy to use, until I remembered al of the prefix letters for each data type. Now I am using Emerson (GE) the old proficy software now called PAC ME machine edition. Now I'm finding it's about impossible to find the data type list amongst the thousands of help files, videos, ect... it seems like a simple thing to find, but I'm not having any luck. They use I and Q for regular inputs & Outputs, but there are R files, M files, S files, N files, G files, ect.... this is old-school PLC software that doesn't use tag names.   Is there a steadfast rule for each type, or can they be used for any type of data? Dazed and confused...  
  13. File Transfer Protocol

    Hello I have a FX5U PLC that is performing some data logging (D-reg and Bit) through the CPU module logging configuration tool, sample time of 5 minutes. Currently the client is physically swapping the SD cards to retrieve the data. I wish to set up a File Transfer Protocol function to transfer the logging data to the C drive of a local PC. They will be connected via ethernet cable through a network switch but independent of any other networks or internet. Desired function of FTP: 1.      Data transfer every 24 hours 2.      Confirm SD card not in use (either pause logging function or carry out in between 5 min samples) 3.      Read logging data from SD card 4.      Write data to local drive on PC 5.      Delete transferred files from SD card to leave capacity for further logging operations 6.      Data logging instruction file (.llp) must be left on SD card 7.      Recommence data logging function I have configured the PLC as FTP Server and managed to view the contents of the SD card through windows file explorer on laptop with limited success (connection is intermittent and when access is possible, it does not always show updated/latest SD card contents) Is it possible to achieve the automated FTP using Mitsubishi and Windows software or do I need 3rd party software as well? Any advice on this would be hugely appreciated.   Many thanks.
  14. I have an old Panelview 800 in a system that consists of the PV, a Micro 850 and 10 Powerflex VFd's running conveyor motors. My problems started when one of the motors would not run. It seemed that the PLC was not sending the Run command or the Speed. The problem got worse as I was working on it when two others did the same thing. The current situation is that 8 of the VFD's are getting a Run command and 2 are getting a flickering command. All 10 are getting a 0.0Hz speed command. I connected to the equipment with my laptop and looked at the PLC program and the PV program. I found that in the PV program that all of the user input data, which consists of Motor Speed (Hz), Accel and Decel times and some other timer values for the timing of some conveyor starts and stops, where all gone, set at '0'. this equipment is several years old and predates my presence here. The PLC program seems to be running and passing the commands that it receives to the VFD's. The data is passed to the PLC via Global Variables. I've never encountered this particular problem before. Any ideas?
  15. Hi, I have a problem with Omron PLC and Beckhoff IO. The IO just disconnects in a few minutes and comes back! I received different errors: Link off error, Illegal slave disconnection, process data reception timeout. When I also check "Display Diagnosis/Statistics information" I see errors on all ports A and B of all nodes.  I have called and talked to both Beckhoff and Omron.  I have two NX1 and one NJ101 to test. And I have three EP2318-0001. I have the same problem with all the PLCs and EP boxes. It does not matter if I have one, two, or three nodes. I have tried different revisions of the EP2xxx from the XML file, different settings for the slave, different task periods, and the error still is persisting.
  16. Currently have NX PLC setup as an OPC UA server and an OPC client setup and communicating.  The issue is only tags that do not have a Data Type are showing up in the OPC client.  I have 2 separate OPC softwares connected to this plc through OPC UA and both are having same issue.  If I setup the OPC as a polling service, then all the tags show up as expected.  Does anyone know if this is a known issue with Omron and their OPC UA server, or is there something that I am doing incorrectly (possibly a setting within Omron that I am not aware of)?
  17. NE1A-SCUP02-EIP

    Does anyone have experience with the NE1A-SCUP02-EIP safety PLC? We had a machine shutdown yesterday with a L9n4 error on the NE1A unit. The manual says this is a tag data link error. Does this cause the safety PLC itself to shutdown? I always thought the EIP portion of the safety PLC was only used for status reporting to the PLC. The safety portion is strictly on DeviceNet and is independent of the EIP network.  The CJ2 PLC's error log tells me it had problems communicating with the safety PLC, the VFD, and NX I/O's which were all in the same panel going through an Ethernet switch. 
  18. Hi, I have quite a noobie question. I want to create a function block to do some simple operations on 2 variables. Both variables are In/Outs (see picture attached). How can I make this function accept variables regardless of the data type? Given these is just simple math I am able to use the same instructions in REAL, INT, UINT, etc. But, the function block only lets me assign one Data Type to the In/Out variables.
  19. Data Historian

    Hello, What would be the best data logger for Backhoff automation based automation? Idea is to record some analog and digital tags at certain time intervals. Present them in tabular as well as graphical form and print some reports based on selected time window. I have looked up TwinCAT Analytics and that seems to be one option. But want to check others before making decision.
  20. Hi gents, I need to build up a communication between nx1p2 to another omron plc (any type with sql support). This is due to the fact that I have finaly to prepare the plc communication with the sql database, and nx1p2 doesnt support this.  Sorry, i know it's probably a noob question, but I'm a beginner. What type of technology i shoud use to make this connection between NX1P2 and another Omron PLC? Or might be some share some project?  
  21. Hey guys,   I know this is a topic that has been discussed before, but I am having trouble finding exactly what I am looking for.. I want to know the most efficient way to record data from my PLC to an Excel file on my PC. I want this to be done without the use of the PLC's webserver.  Specifically I am trying to record vfd speed every 10seconds with a time and date stamp. How can I do this?   Thanks, James  
  22. Hi, I have inserted new RTD module into in my SLC500 as replacement to defected RTD module however the module LED is enabled but the channel LED's are blinking. I have checked the following: In the advanced I/O configuration the module configuration is shown as expected In the data file word format it is not corresponding to the channel preferences What should I do and how to fix the word bits?        
  23. Open data log in HMI

    Hi there! I have S7-1200 controller connected to a Comfort Panel. The machine has some pressure and temp sensors, as long as many valves and other stuff. I generate a daily datalog with some of those variables but, the thing is, I've been trying to figure out how to show these data in the HMI without using a trend viewer. I don't know if it's possible, but I want to be able to see what valves were open (for example) the day DD/MM/YYYY at HH:MM:SS, using the generated data log, kind of knowing the state of single bits at different past moments. I've been searching the web but I didn't find something exactly like this, don't know if I'm doing it properly so I'd like to know if you have done this or you can throw some light on the topic. Thanks in advance and hope you can help me!
  24. Have been able to exchange data types of BOOL, INT,  DINT & REAL between Omron NJ/NX CPU with Allen Bradley Logix CPU's with Ethernet/IP using the CIPUCMMRead & CIPUCMMWrite instructions. I now have a need to exchange "STRING" variable types. Have tried varions string lengths in the NJ without sucsess. AB default string length is 82 & Omron 256 but I think the difference is the length headder that AB has with within their String Tag type. I know I could convert my strings to an array of bytes & sent them this way, but was looking for a solution to sent them as native strings. Hope someone out there has done this & can share their leg work? 
  25. Hi I'm trying to set up Modbus RTU communication between FX3U PLC and a weigh module. I would use the ADPRW command using 0X03 to read the 16 bit Holding Register but in the weigh module the Data Address/Holding Register of the value I want to get is 400047 - 400048. How to translate the value in 16 bit?   Thanks, Fabio