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  1. Dear all, I have 1794 IE8H Hart flex input module to which one Emerson HART flowmeter is connected...I have gone manual of flex module...I have to write program to read 3 parameters from HART transmitter in RSlogix 5000 (compactlogics) manual there are so many & geeting confused how to get this...even got sample code from rockwell site...but still nt working...If anyone have any proper document to follow please suggest or mail me on
  2. Good Afternoon, This is the first time I have used a 1794-IF8IH and was after some help with setting up the analogue scaling. Normally in logix5000 on analogue cards you can select the desired scaling for each channel of the card under the configuration tab by selecting 0-20mA or 0-10V etc in the drop down boxes. According to page 16 of the manual it appears as if this has to be setup in the PLC tags. Is anyone able to give an example of the PLC tag address where I would place a value which represents the scaling that I was hoping to use ie: DropNumber:5:C:Ch0DataFormat_0   Cheers,   Robbo    
  3. First of all im using a softlogix 5860 processor connected via 1784 PCIDS card to the 1794 devicenet adapter. my first module is a 16 bit DC input followed by a 16 bit output and finally my 2channel input/ 2 channel output. I can write code in 5000 for the digital IO's just fine and i have the .dnt file setup correctly with all lights green and i can see voltage change from rsnetworks when i monitor the input from the 1794 ADN (setup for 0-5v). From the reading i've done, i know i have to use block transfer msg and there is a sample file included with the version of rslogix that i have but its setup with different controllers and adapters. I've read anything i can get my hands on online from rockwell but the docs on these adapters only show the setup example using the ethernet IP version. in the ethernet IP version you can right click on the 1794 IP adapter in rslogix 5000 and add the module.... you cannot do this using the devicenet adapter. I can include my basic logix file but theres not much to it since I have no idea where to go from here. If anyone has ANY experience with this i would be forever greatful thanks in
  4. Greetings, I'm about to begin a new job taking on a major operation drive by controllogix processors and tons of flex I/O modules.... its a big plant and a huge job to take on, and while i have alot of other automation experience and programing experience in other types of controllers i'm just learning PLC programing. The Good News is i have RSLOGIX 500 with a micrologix 1500 and RSLOGIX 5000 with a softlogix 5800 controller, a 1784 PCIDS devicenet scanner and a 1794 adapter with 16bit dc input a 16bit dc output and a 1794-IF2XOF2I 2 channel output 2 channel input to learn with. I have set the devicenet system up without the analog module, figured out rsnetworks enough to be able to write simple code enough to toggle outputs using the inputs.... the problem starts when i add the analog module. If i let rsnetworks scan on its own it finds the analog module but sets the I/O summary as 4input words (2 for the adapter and 2 for the digital input module) and 4 output words (2 for the digital output module and 2 for the analog module) however, it will not allow you to browse down to the bit level in the IO summary. IF however i go into the I/O summary of the 1794 and hit the defaults button it sets the input words to 5 (I/O only) and output words to 3(I/O only) If i download this to both the 1794 and the 1784 scanner my IO light goes red on the adapter and i get the errors listed in the log at the bottom of one of the screenshots im including. Anyone have any experience with this? anyone know what I should set the Input word / output word size to or what else i could be doing wrong? thanks so much in advance.
  5. Hello, When using a 4-20mA configured Flex IO 1794-IE8/A with Controllogix, I used to get a raw input of -770* (could be -7701,02,03) when the wires weren't landed. Now with an 1794-IE8/B, I'm only getting the same reading as I would with a 4mA signal, which is a raw input of 0. I know there's an "underrange" bit for the status now, but it gets activated at 4mA or below, so if your instrument is at 4mA, it will alarm as underrange, even though it is a real reading. I see a slight bounce up and down for a 4mA reading, but I really don't want to add a delay timer for the underrange alarm. Anything I'm missing to get this -7701 reading back?
  6. Hello, I have a very strange issue with a rack of remote IO on my Ethernet setup. There is one rack which contains 3 1794-OA16 (120 VAC output) modules connected to 1794-AENT module. I have several other IO racks on this network without any issue. The issue is that I'm measuring 100-115 VAC on random outputs (they change after cycling power or replacing parts). I also will see output lights on for a couple of these points which also can be seen in the output word while online with the compactlogix PLC (1 on the output point while monitoring the word). These outputs are untouched in the PLC program, verified through cross checking in RSLogix 5000. Also, unplugging the Ethernet cord and separating the TB3 bases so each output module is isolated I still see voltage on the outputs. I have also replaced the AENT, TB3, and OA16 devices and still have this issue. I isolated the modules from the field wiring and 100% certain there is no wiring issue causing this. I'm wondering if this is a case of a corrupt PLC file screwing up the configuration sent to this specific AENT? Has anyone encountered this problem before? Not all outputs have this voltage so I'm led to believe this is not normal situation of seeing voltage but no current. I appreciate any feedback, thank you. EDIT: Realized title error, please excuse it. EDIT 2: Spoke to AB tech support, they said it is a possible bus issue but I'm not convinced since all the parts have been replaced.