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About alpr_94

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  • Country Venezuela
  1. Display a HEX value as floating

    Ok ok, I understand, Thanks for your fast answers! It was really helpful!
  2. Display a HEX value as floating

    Oh, I aprecciate your answer. I already do that and its working perfectly, thanks. Is this the best way? this wouldn't affect the speed in which the data is showed?
  3. Hello, From modbus, Im reading a HEX variable in the data register D0, as it is a 32 bit variable, the second part is saved in D1, then I get: D0: BE62 D1: 31D7 The value that I should obtain in float is -0.2208932 as I obtained setting  BE6231D7 in online Hex to float converter and this agree with what I'm reading on the flowmeter.  The problem is that when I try to change the data type from channel to Real on CX programmer I obtain a different value, also the registers are not sort in the proper way, instead they are sort inversely 31D7BE62, and obviusly the obtained value is completely different. Also instead of Hex, I want to display the decimal, or floating value, is there a way to do this? I'll attach some captures.    
  4. Hello, I have been so many days trying to comunicate the multiway software trought a serial usb converter with the SCU31 device, using a omron function block to read a holding register, but I can't achieved it. Now Im receiving some frames on multiway, but there is always some errors. I was wondering if somebody in here that have worked previously with modbus and omron can be able to help me in how to configure everything corectly to be able to read the value from multiway, on the plc, and where is this value saved.  I'll upload some captures to show what I have done till now.    
  5.  Hello, I have been reading some post on this forum about Modbus and omron, but it has been complicated for me communicate an Omron PLC and a computer just to test the Modbus communication. I have a PLC OMRON CJ2M-CPU32 20K  with a CJ1WSCU31-V1 that I want to communicate trough Modbus first with a computer just to test that is everything working ok.     How can I do that? How do I need to configure the units, switch? Nodes?   Im using multiway, and CX programmer, I already downloaded Macro Protocol to the PLC, but by now the only thing that I get is RD1 flashing when Modbus poll software is active on the computer, but this software says timeout, and don’t receive packets… I have used the easymodbus excel file to create the code to communicate the PLC, but as I see isn’t working.   Does somebody in here have got to connect a plc to the computer with this easy modbus file? How is the proper way to use it? Or there is a better way to use Modbus in Omron?   I’m really desperate.