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About jrsiscool

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  • Country United States
  1. I have an issues with various Powerflex 700S drives tripping out periodically on Net Loss DPI P5 fault (F# 59). These drives are set up on the same ControlNet network to communicate with the Contrologix 5563 processor. The drives will reset easily and the process restarted, but it is a nuisance and time is lost resetting the equipment. Any advice will be appreciated.
  2. HI I'm using PlC5/20 when I click on setup screen on the BTR block (to view the analog input configuration) i find the following message: No modules exist in the IOconfiguration for this R/G/M however the analog input signals is running properly....i just want enter the setup screen for configuration. I'm assuming that I need to enter I/O module in the I/O configuration? Can I do this without taking PLC to Program mode?  
  3. HI I'm using PlC5/20 when I click on setup screen on the BTR block (to view the analog input configuration) i find the following message: No modules exist in the IOconfiguration for this R/G/M however the analog input signals is running properly....i just want enter the setup screen for configuration. I'm assuming that I need to enter I/O module in the I/O configuration? Can I do this without taking PLC to Program mode?