Russ McKenna

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Everything posted by Russ McKenna

  1. MC_Power Power Up Error

    I am using FX5U-32MT/DS, FX5-40SSC-S and the PLC Open blocks. I am getting an Power-up procedure error status signal. Any suggestions on how to track this down? Or should I do away with block and replace it with Un\G# codes. If so what should I use to make sure the drives are ready?
  2. I have heard "Don't use SET or duplicate coils". I kind of agree, so how do you handle it? Do you use logic to control coil A1 and other logic to control coil A2. Then coil A is controlled by either A1 or A2. Do you use logic to SET or RST A and other logic to SET or RST A. Please realize the logic is not as simple as stated above. not simply condition 1 or condition 2 then out A.
  3. MC_Power_LD_FX5SSC Power Up Error

    You are correct. I did not try to accomplish the actual double posting. It was a snag in the matrix. Please delete the second posting.
  4. MC_Power_LD_FX5SSC Power Up Error

    I am using FX5U-32MT/DS, FX5-40SSC-S and the PLC Open blocks. I am getting an Power-up procedure error status signal. Any suggestions on how to track this down? Or should I do away with block and replace it with Un\G# codes. If so what should I use to make sure the drives are ready?
  5. Switch Superimposed Window

    Using GS2107, FX5U. I want to change the JPG image on a screen based on if the value in a text box is either 1 or 2, any other value will also have a single default image. Is there a way to do this via script? Or is there a different way?  
  6. Switch Superimposed Window

    I am exploring this option. Would I then set the Device say D1 to true in ladder logic, and on my form the part is tied to device D1. So if D1 then it would show Part1. I would like if option 1 then show part 1. If option 2 then part 2. If no option then show nothing. I only have these two options for now, but can see me using this in other applications where I want the superimpose window to show different things.
  7. Switch Superimposed Window

    Okay - here is something I have done. Under Environmental Setting, Screen Switching/Window. I set the device under Superimpose window to D120. I then use ladder logic to change D120 from 0, 18, 19 based on value in D121. If D121 = 1, then move 18 into D120. If D121=2 then move 19 into D120. Else move 0 into D120. 18 is the screen number for option 1. 19 is the screen number for option 2. There is no screen 0, so blank.
  8. BMOV block1 block2 n using labels & arrays

    Yeah, I got caught on a project - also completed the Simple Motion class in Vernon Hills, Illinois. I ended up using - String(9)(0..11) as my definition, and as I stated above why not 10 but 9 works. So yes the code is working. Looking to try and have a superimposed screen switch from one image to the next using script so I can have it based on a value in a text box.
  9. I am trying to use arrays in the ladder command BMOV and want it assigned to devices. What I want is a string is stored on my HMI at D300 and it is 12 characters so it is really at D300, D301, D302, D303, D304. I can use DMOVE D300 D425 K5 and it will move the string. But I want to do it for a recipe where I cycle through all twelve recipes and get BMOV D300 D425 K5, then BMOVE D300 D430 D5, then BMOVE D300 D435 D5, etc. I have attempted everthing. The problem is when I try to do BMOV myString myList[Index] K5. I have to create a data type that is used by myList so I can have each entry assigned do D425, D430 etc. Any thoughts or hints.
  10. BMOV block1 block2 n using labels & arrays

    Thank you for your help. I have learned much. When creating a lable like MyText, String(10)(0..11), assigned to device D425 and then I watch MyText[0], the device is D425. But the device for MyText[1] is D431. I need to create the MyText as a String(9). My fundamental challenge came my lack of knowledge. When you create an array of a structured data type you can manually assign devices to each array and they do not have to be sequential. So when I tried the same approach I could not figure out how to get array[1] device to be set to D430. It will automatically be set by offsetting the device for array[0] by the length of the variable (5 in the case above because a string is 2x8 x length, and each register is 16). I am curious why I need it to be 9 not 10, does it start at 0-9 so it is 10. Or is there a disconnect  in the auto assignment of the devices? Normally you don't care where things are stored and you don't want to assign devices. But I am interacting with an HMI and as far as I know it does not use common labels. The FX5U does not do this yet. 
  11. BMOV block1 block2 n using labels & arrays

    I am trying to use labels that assigned to a device rather than that device in the ladder logic. I am able to use the Z1 approach. I am new to Mitsubishi and only have been to one class and still trying to get the hang of things. So yes, I am using the built in recipe functions and scripting. So i get the recipe number into D300 which is assigned to label SelectedRecipe. I use instruction MUL SelectedRecipe K5 Z1. Then use $MOV SelectedName D420Z1. This works. SelectedRecipe is a value between 1 and 12, I want it stored first at D425 so I use D420 + 5*index. Now is there a way to make D420Z1 a label like myAddress(Index) not myValue(index). I want it stored at a location defined by myAddress(Index) or the device assigned to it. I do appreciate the assistance. You have provided me with several new ideas that I can implement.
  12. BMOV block1 block2 n using labels & arrays

    I am using a FX5U, GS2107, GXWorks3, GTDesigner3. I am using recipes with my string in device D300. As part of the recipe selection, I have a separate screen that list's these recipes. I have to fill this screen. So what I can do is select recipe 1 and copy D300 to D425. Load next recipe, copy D300 to D430. Each copy location is increased by 5. The challenge is having the label[index] pointing to my HMI device D425, D430, D435 based on the value of index. How to you assign devices to an array?