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Everything posted by trobbins

  1. Happily logging lots of parameters, at 1 second rate, and generating a csv file every hour, using Supervisor 3.2 and the ExportLog Supervisor script.  Had to make a dos batch file to collate all the hourly csv files in to a daily csv file, and zip it, and then delete the hourly dlv and csv files, as normally the daily zipped log files are just kept for reactive faultfinding when there is a need to investigate a daily log file using Excel. Problem I find is that the data logging list of parameters is not able to be set to a particular order, such that the csv columns are in a particular order.  Supervisor seems to rejig the order of parameters in the Logging workspace to its own purposes, and that order doesn't align with the order of parameters in the csv file.  Nothing that I could find in the manual or help or poking around seems to describe how the export ordering is done. Anyone been down that path?? Regards, Tim