Emanuel Lemos

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Everything posted by Emanuel Lemos

  1. thank you for your help.
  2.   Hello , can someone explain to me what the difference between the reset ( RES ) and clear ( CLR) in RSLogix software? Please respond ASAP
  3.   I 'm not the program with me now , I'm just with LogixPro simulator, and in it I can reset the RES using C5: 0.ACC do not know if the rSlogix is so , I think so as you 're talking about. but now my doubts is to address C5: 0.PRE for both RES and for CLR , using in both the same thing happens , so do not know the difference . could you explain me? thank you
  4. ok.. thanks And this case ?   If I enter the address of a counter in the CLR and RES as C5: 0.PRE , both will reset the preset my counter
  5. grateful for the response , b_carlton . But there is a doubt Example : If I enter the address of a counter in the CLR and RES as C5: 0.PRE , both will reset the preset my counter. What if I put the address as : C5: 0.ACC the CLR and RES will also perform the same operation . So I am not able to understand the difference between them.