Peter Nielsen

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About Peter Nielsen

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  • Country Denmark
  1. Hi There  Is there a AOP that can convert ammonia "R717" pressure to temperature so i can show it in degress in my hmi ? Or do any of you know a formular to convert it ?  it is not linear unfortunalety. Best Regards Peter
  2. powerflex 527

    Hi Kaiser Thank you. But i know how program PF525.  I have done a project with 10 Powerflex 525 without a problem. The STO was hardwired in this project. PF525 you use normal code but with PF527 you need to use Motion commands. And in this program the STO is over Ethernet. What i request some kind of code example of resetting STO when a fault occur and then starting the drives with a speed for example 40 Hz. Aint there anybody who have made a code with these drives ?
  3. powerflex 527

    Hi I am about to program a new project with 34 Powerflex 527 drives. The controller is a L71s with safety partner and i want to use the Integrated STO over Ethernet with my controller. The pf527 should only be used for basic HZ control. My question is = Do some of you have experience with PF527 drives and the STO function over Ethernet ? and  also know how to run the drives basic with HZ control ? Maybe I can get a little sample code to I can read. I have slowly started but I think I have gone a little stuck  With kindly regards Peter