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About MangaYuurei

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  • Country Portugal
  1. version 9.51. thx for the references IO_Rack pfort is correct. it is 100,0 and not 100.0.Funny thing is, I could swear I had tested it previously. I guess I did it on one of the MOVL out of distraction.   Thank you very much
  2. CX_One v4.31 installed programmer and simulator only. Regardless, your suggestion seems to be the best option, for safety if nothing else.   Thank you for your assistance.  
  3. Here it is. If I turn the +100.0 to +100 it will go back to black (Thus I assume into a correct form)   Thanks in advance
  4. Greetings. Thank you for your answer. A further question, if you'd be so kind. I'm making a small program where D100 is a FLTL conversion from &10025 to D100. I am using a /F division between D100 and +100, outputing to D102, but the coloring of the /F(453) goes red when I add the .0 to 100. Red seems to be the universal indicator of an error. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?  
  5. Greetings. I am newly introduced to PLC programming and am still lacking in basic concepts. The current questions I have in CX Programming involve the FLT instruction and basic mathematical operations. I am building small examples of code based on principles I'd like confirmed, and if disproved I'd like explained. Let us assume, for example that I have a decimal number (&10025) that I wish to be converted to float through the FLT instruction. The manual seems to indicate that the function converts from 16bit dec to 32bit float thus adding a .0 at the end and put that result in a registry variable R and R+1, for example D100 and D101. Let us now assume that I wish to divide that value by 100 so as to obtain 100.25. Do I call a divide instruction with just the D100 (and the D101 is assumed by default) divided by &100 (does this number needs to be float as well)? Will the result be 100.25 or 100.2? How do I determine how precise the number according to my needs? Also, I assume that after conversion, every math application I use should be float based (ex: /F, *F, +F, etc), am I correct? Thank you for your assistance