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About nikitab900

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  • Country Russia
  1. Working with arrays

    I'm sorry, I have CJ2M PLC with CPU32. Of cource, I add array variable to In-Out var into my FB. But how can I do simple thing like thise (c++ for example) in cx-programmer? ************************************* Main() { myFB(int someArray[5]) { int outArray[5]; for (int i=0, i<5, i++) { outArray = someArray*2; } return outArray; } int inputArray[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; int result[5] = myFB(inputArray); } ******************************************** cx-programmer drives me crazy(((
  2. Working with arrays

    Hi! I can not understend how to work with array from functional blocks. For example, I want to create some functional block (on ST lang.), send to it some array and recive from it some new array (FB make some monipulations with input array). FB code: FOR i:=0 TO 4 DOinputLoadArray:= outputLoadArray*2;END_FOR; How does look my main program (only on ST language) for send input and recive output arrays?